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Hi guys! I literally forgot about this story for some time, (Really sorry guys school)
And so luckly, my pass self knew I'd be really busy some time in my life, and so I wrote like 7 chapters. Or more/less 👀) so I'll update.

Reina looked at you like you were CRAZY ,everyone did! People staring at you in awe, even Sir. "Did you just say Hiroto is cute"

She stared at you with the face of a broken robot, like she needed someone to repair her ears!

"I don't know, I..." you felt heat flush over your cheeks, your heart sunk into your stomach. There was no way around it, you said Hiroto was hot, as in...handsome!

"Does he know?" Someone asked,"Yes? I mean, no I mean-!" 
"Well, you should tell him right now, here he is."

"Tell me what ,Princess?" Hiroto walked up to you,it was probably just you but he did really look h-hot ... he just looked way more muscular, and sweaty and...

"You d-didn't hear me?" You stammered,"No, was it something important?"

You looked away, and mummbled something inaudible.

Then you turned around and walked away, you just needed to think, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him; so close it was like he was hugging you, your chest was against his stomach.

Your palm went pale, he cut off the blood circulation in your hand.

"Was it important." It didn't sound like a question at all, his voice suddenly sounded more masculine it actually became intimidating, everyone had their eyes on you two like: 'oooo, realife drama!'

It was like Hiroto disappeared, and the real Hiroto showed up, the Hiroto you heard bad rumors about, you know that Hiroto?


"No." You mummbled,avoiding his eyes.
He stared at you for a few seconds, and then he let go of your wrist, and gave you a side hug.

"Then why the scared face?" he whispered.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now