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He started off with two pats on your nose, then he swiped the blood away  with a white cloth.

He turned around and went to put the white cloth away, your nose began to leak once again. But this time more came out, you quickly wiped it away using your arm.

Now there was blood smudged on your arm, but more blood came out and you instinctively used your other arm to stop it.

But the more you wiped it away, you rubbed blood on your cheeks and a bit on your forehead. "Hiroto!"

"What?" he called from the bathroom. "Help!"
You jumped off the bed, remembering his bed sheets were white.

But, it was too late, when you turned around there was a Crimson red smudged mark on his bed, it was highly noticeable.

"I'm sorry..." You bowed as he neared you, "Did you kill someone in the time I was gone?? What happened?"

"I tried to wipe the blood away but it didn't stop and then I messed it–"

"On your clothes? Ah-huh, I see that."
You looked down, to see blood smudged on your shirt/dress.

"Yes of course there. But also here."
Hiroto's eyes followed your hands to see what you were going on about.

He went to his bed and inspected it holding it but avoiding the blood marks.

He put it down and gave you a awkward look, "F/N, you're on your days?"



So that was a very weird question to ask. From a boy to a girl.

That's...weird, Would you as a girl feel weird??? I mean if it's from a girl to a girl then okay.

But not from a boy to a girl, not from a Hiroto to a girl.

But if you feel weird, look at this 😂😂

But if you feel weird, look at this 😂😂

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Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now