Later On

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When school ended, you ran out of the gates while others went to thier extra lesson classes.

You called your mom and told her you were released early and that she must come and fetch you now.

That was when you noticed two girls on the other side of the road, wearing different school uniforms.

One had black hair, and tanned skin, she had red eyes, which made her look super edgy and intimidating.

The other one looked a way more chilled, she had brown hair and green eyes she was fair skinned, they both had just got out of a limousine and started to look around.

Then the girl with brown hair looked at you, and she tapped her friend next to her, the and she stares at you like you were some disgusting creature.

"Let me show you, F/N, how you get a girls numbers." Nagumo suddenly spoke behind you.

You had no idea where he came from, but he was about to make a mistake going anywhere near those girls.

"No, Nagumo-san...I don't think think you should–Agh, whatever. "
He was already too far away, he crossed road and stood there 'yap, yapping'.

The rude girl just stared at him while the other sweat-dropped. Then Nagumo leaned onto the car like it was his.

And he got the punch of his life...

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now