Work out,sweat, REPEAT

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After jogging ,you collapsed on the thin green grass, there was just no air coming in.
Your legs, incapable of moving. Totally exhausted, there is no part of your body that isn't screaming in excruciating pain.

Forget about soccer my body wasn't made for this!!!

"Oh come on princess! It wasn't that bad!" Hiroto chimed.
"I can't..."
He lifted your chin up with one of his fingers and grinned once you looked at him.
"Well done princess."

You couldn't even reply with a 'thank you'  there wasn't any air to contribute.

"Wait here."
With that Hiroto headed towards his foster brother and they began to talk about something.
Then Hiroto pointed at you and nodded.
What could he be saying?
Tatsuya crossed his arms,and looked down for a second, and also nodded.
He then returned and told you that what he spoke to Tatsuya and that it was nothing to worry about.

"The new member will be picked out five days from now." He grinned. "What? Why?"
"Tatsuya says it's quite one sided, also, the football frontier is next week."

Since when? How could it be one week from now!? And I didn't know!

"As long as you do the training I say you must do,you'll be fine."
Next he got you a ball,and he said you must kick it against the wall. So you did.
"Again,and don't stop until I tell you to." He ordered.

~30 mins later~
Still,you were kicking the ball against the wall, stopping it kicking it again,stopping it. Again. Again. And... again.
It sounds easy,but no it's not. Your coach made it hard for you and told you to kick it harder ,which made it fly out of your range.

Then you would have to run all the way back to fetch the ball. And no,don't pick it up. Dribble it back!
You looked back and noticed Hiroto wasn't looking,he was staring at the others train,with his hands on his hips.

Without knowing it, you slowed down but hey,you can't blame your body...
"Seeing that you're already worn out, we'll end practice now,right? " Hiroto turned around. "YES, " You collapsed onto the grass ready to fall asleep,seriously.

"Ok...but tomorrow you'll do twice as much, thinking I didn't see you there. " He whispered, but you didn't hear anything at all.

Hey guys! I'm back!
Alright, so sorry fo da wait while I was offline I was still updating my book, I've got more chapters to publish! So this is some type of marathon or something...

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now