More Time Skips

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When you came to, you realized you weren't in Heaven,on a white bed with wings and a halo as you expected.

You were on grass, being marinated in sunlight, your heart about to explode. "Wow, F/N you're a... Mysterious learner. How did you do that?"

"How did I fall? Oh, I trusted my coach. Whom is not even a coach, but some 16yr old guy–"

"No not that, how did you do that hand thingy? How did your hand not snap?"

"Listen Hiroto... You sound crazy." you sat up and scratched your scalp closing one eye. "And I don't know what you're talking about, it's a miracle how I survived that fall, I know. But–"

"Look at that." he pointed at the grass, there was a mark, a hand mark, looked like a small crate. Like it was pushed it by someone.

"Huh?" you paused for a moment. "D-did I do that??"

"Yes." he smiled, "You did."

"Your Dad doesn't even know me that well and I did this!? I'm sorry! I–"

"Stop apologizing." Hiroto interrupted, standing up and dusting himself. "There's nothing wrong. And it's tiny."


Okay guys, I'm gonna skip the whole weekend, because I feel like it will take a long time to write down what will happen, and how he will teach you. But some will be explained during flash backs.

I have mentioned earlier that I'm really running out of motivation and I really wanna get book one done. I'm actually on holiday and I think it would be good for me to finish this all so that I can relax and all. My holiday has been really hectic.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now