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You and Nagumo reached the field in a rush. You two stood on the right side of the Field. Many people had shown up for the last spot on the team.

"So....where do I go?" You questioned.
Nagumo quickly grabbed your hand,locking his fingers between yours.

"Let's go find out." He pulled you along with him as you both ran to the other side of the field.

He was incredibly fast,you couldn't keep up. But the fact that his hand and yours were tangled up with each other. It wasn't very easy to let go,so you had to keep up.

Unless you wanted to fall...

I mean....that was a option...but who'd wanna fall infront of Nagumo? Better said behind him.

He'd just hear 'OOF' turn back and see you face flat on the ground. No doubt he will laugh.

"And I think everyone is lined up accorded to thier element"

"Where's she supposed to go?" Nagumo interrupted.

"Obviously," Suuzuno started "Ice...her hair screams ice!"

"I take that back, F/N we're going somewhere else."

"Too late." He snatched your free hand. "I'll be your coach."

"No! I will!" Nagumo tugged at your arm.

The two boys were playing tugg-of-war ,using you as their rope.

"Please guys,can you let go of me? You're hurting me!" You tried to calm them down. But ,no use .

You looked to the side where all the members of the team where standing,they all had separated to coach their own groups.

Someone's fair-skinned arm quickly buckled around your waist.

"Oi! "Hiroto called loudly "I already told you to stay 5 metres away from her! Let go of her or I WILL give you PERMANENT bruises!"

Nagumo and Suuzuno quickly let go of your hands.

He raised you off your feet before sprinting away, with you using his arms as a safety belt.

Another amazingly fast runner.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now