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Heya guys!
I've noticed that, my book is going off... Track a little. Hiroto is not being.. Himself, Hiroto is a Tsudere.
And here he's just... Quite the opposite of a Tsudere, hence I've decided that from a future chapter on he'll-

Maths class

After ma'am finished her lecture she walked over to you, in her pencil high heels, "F/N, how far are you with your work?"

She towered over you, with out any warning she turned your book her way so that she could see it.

You didn't know why, but you got a bit nervous, even though you did try to catch up.

It's just something about teachers like her.

"You are catching up, but a bit slow, your cycle tests are coming up. And I'm afraid you won't be done in time."She started.

Gosh, does she have to be that loud!?

You heard Caroline laughing behind you, she was the type to laugh for everything. Even though it wasn't funny.

"Sensei." someone called.
"Yes?" She answered, flipping though your book. "I can help F/N catch up. "

Ma'am turned around and it was Reina in the front. "Alright, thank you Yagami."

"F/N, do you want to move in front next to Yagami or must she swap with Tatsuya? "

Tatsuya looked at you with a cute smile as he propped his elbow on his desk and let his head rest on his palm.

You heard someone chair skate on the floor, making a loud noise. It was Hiroto, he stared at you with a straight face, even with earphones on he heard that.

It looked like the chair was gonna fall at any moment the way he tilted it back like that.

You looked at him, and his face expression didn't change. Staring at you with those pink eyes.

I like sitting next to Tatsuya he's chilled and kind, but that would be taken away from me either way!

Will Hiroto be mad at me?
Wait but why am I considering Hiroto? This is education we're taking about!

"Miss," Suuzuno suddenly spoke. "May I swap with Reina? I think it's better for my eyes if I sit in the front."

"Sure. " Mrs Kanji spoke, putting your book down. Suuzuno stood up and eyed you with a tiny smile.

You mouthed 'thank you' and he nodded.

Now Reina sat next to you, and ma'am sat at her desk, leaving it all to Yagami to help you.

You picked your pen up and set your hand on the page, when Reina swiped it away from you.

Can I just do my work!?

"Yes, I'm trying to help you." Yagami spoke, "Oh... I said that out loud?"

She nodded. "Sorry."

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now