Hiroto's Heart

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Hiroto's  pov

Where is she?!

F/N was supposed to be here a long time ago. I thought she was serious about this all, I've been begging Tatsuya to wait for her,and I don't beg people.

Even I am getting tired,annoyed and conflicted. I've trained her for a whole week, teaching her my Hissatsu tactic only for her to bail out...

Hiroto clicked his tongue angrily, he knew he shouldn't have–no matter what his sister said–ever gave a damn about anyone else except for himself, because when you open your heart just a little, the world always manages to bruise it.

He huffed.

"Hiroto, we can't wait for–"

"Yeah whatever, just do it."

Hiroto zoned out, thinking about F/N, maybe it wasn't her fault... Maybe she–
"Hiroto-kun." Someone called out to him. "What."

"F/N will not be attending the practice."
He sighed. "Yeah, so what."

Akari was a bit startled, the end result was was better than expected.
She began to walk along side him.

"I know how you feel." She spoke, Hiroto kept quiet, he didn't even feel like speaking.

"If it makes you feel better... I've been betrayed by someone before... Heck, someone? People..."

She when on and on,Hiroto heard but he zoned out of her words and into his feelings.

F/N, it's disappointing...

"Normally, you'd have friends and they'd..."

And annoying, whether male or female, you'll never be able to be there when I need you.

"Sometimes thickness doesn't matter. Blood..."

Not my dad...my sister is just there for Tatsuya and them. But F/N I thought you'd be there for me...I don't even know why you didn't come.

"But my dad didn't really care..."

Hiroto froze, a nerve has been stuck. "Didn't?" he repeated.

"Yeah, both my Mom and Dad are dead. " She frowned, he
felt sorry for her, but he hid his sympathy and just stared at her face, she didn't seem to flinch, or even sulk, she just kept a straight face.

He walked on, not allowing it to get to his head. No matter what...nobody could ever understand him.

" But no matter what you're going through someone's got it worse. Find comfort from those who have experienced similar issues." She advised.

"Don't rely on F/N for your happiness, but instead rely on someone like me, not to make you happy, but to comfort you, Hiroto-kun."

"... How do I receive comfort...?"
Akari blinked twice, then she smiled.

"I'm glad you asked, but the thing is, it doesn't depend on you. It depends on the speaker, if the speaker feels sad for you or what." running down the stairs with him, she perked up.

Now they were near your class. Yapping loud, she made sure she was on the right side. So that his back would be to the window of the class room, therefore not being able to see you.

And as soon and you spotted them, you noticed she was already looking at you, she gave you a sly smirk.

Before putting a cute face back on and looking at Hiroto.

Hiroto boke, you are so easy to deceive...

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now