Ice Princess

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"Oh, isn't much of a surprise I guess." You just found out that Nagumo wasn't at school, big deal...

You ended up volunteering to get his homework for him.
"Oh well, that's what he gets anyway! You don't just hit up on girls like that!" Suuzuno remarked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Last time I checked, you were holding Caroline's Hand! Mr Ice queen–"


Suuzuno looked at you like...
"Mr what!?"

"Suuzuno... I'm sorry..." you backed up, he trailed your steps with that scary face he put on earlier on this week.

"Suuzuno... I'm sorry, Suuzuno, baby! Sweetie! Hun! I'm sorry! Okay?! No-one needs to get hurt or anything...Right?"

It was clear he wasn't listening to your sweet talk... Because he started to run.

You bolted into a sprint.

"Suuzuno!! I'm sorry!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!"

So today you forced Hiroto to follow you from class to class. Because Suuzuno participated in every class you did.

In Economics, Hiroto had to sit next to you in the back.
Not like he minded though, he was so chilled, just on his phone.

Occasionally looking up at your nagging face, you were seriously bugging him.

Right now, you sat next to him, and you looked like a living teddy bear, leaning on him like that.

Suuzuno was all the way in the front, which was why you two were at the back, the last row.

"Ma'am," You raised your hand up,

"So 1 dollar in the US is basically about 100¥ here."
"That's precisely what I was trying to explain."

Suuzuno looked at you again.

"Hitoro..." You grabbed Hiroto's hand and intertwined your fingers together. He sighed, "I can't use my phone properly with one hand."

"Sorry I'll–" Hiroto didn't let go of your hand,

"But I'll make an exception...this one time. " He smirked.

Umm , so for like... the rest of the lesson, you two were holding hands like a couple.
(agh, who am I kidding, you're already a couple! 🤷🏽‍♀️!)

The bell rang and you stared at Suuzuno, he must leave the class first... But it looked like he wasn't done copying work from the board.

"Quick, let's go! " You said that a little too loud, and ma'am looked at you weirdly.

"To the homework center! Yeah! Let's go to the homework center!"

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now