A dream about him

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■I noticed this a long time ago! But I still wanna say THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K Views! Thanks so much!!■
●I hope "long-shots" will become something big! It's technically a novel...or long story.●


Also I ought to inform you, there will me more time skips, beacause I must finish this book ●
●Spoilers it has a book two•
●I advise you to Keep on the look out, as a reader you must be open to the tiny bits of information this book has to offer, it will build a bigger picture!●
●ANYWAY ,thanks guys!♡●

Time skip

You layed on your bed, staring at the ceiling, just pondering. Surprisingly thinking about Hiroto...School, the homework you recently completed. Today you deserve sleep.

Not only did you go to school, but you ran 100000 laps! Then you got home, only to be tortured by HOMEWORK.

Horrible! Now that you think about it.

Not to mention ,getting lost and having your mom worried. Today was ridiculous...Not wanting to remember your day any longer, you closed your eyes...

"WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING F/N YOU CAN'T FALL ASLEEP ANYTIME OF THE DAY!" Someone screamt at you, and you began to type on a computer,you didn't know who shouted at you, or why you were here in the first place but you kept on working anyway. Everyone around you seemt bored, they all looked like nerds...

"Princess!" Someone called again, you turned your head to the side only for your eyes to be met with Hiroto's,"I promised I'd help you get outta here!" He smirked, before you could process his words he pulled you along with him. "Away from what?"
"This!" He pointed at all the employees in the room, "Hiroto!" A lady shouted out, she held a gun out and aimed at him. You were petrified of guns! They're super dangerous! But your Knight and not so shining armor stood in front of your trembling figure. "Run." He commanded in a very masculine voice. "Run? Run where?!"

"As far away as you can,  I'll find you when I'm done."
You really did wanna run, but you didn't wanna leave him alone, you brang yourself to a straight posture. " I'm not leaving without you, Hiroto. "
Hiroto started to chuckle softly "Really Princess? 'Cause it sounds to me like you want to leave."
"Have a little faith in my bravery." You stammered.

By now, many people stood behind the lady, they all, like her wore black clothes and were armed. "Put your gun down!" One of them commanded.
"What gun?" Hiroto asked, surely he was playing dumb ,but it wasn't visible to the agents. Only to you beacuse he put it in the back pocket of his black jeans.
It could barely fit...

"We know you have a gun! Put it down!"
"What are you talking about?"
Hiroto grabbed your hand behind him and led it to his pocket, then he pointed up behind his back that way only you could see his hand.

You didn't wanna swing your head up, because that would give it all away, "Shoot it." He whispered, the agents then looked at you. After all, you did look a bit suspicious it was clear, you weren't just a normal person if Hiroto has telling you to do something.

"We see you there! Don't try anything funny!!"
"Don't tell my girl what to do, " Hiroto belted. "Hiroto!" You whispered as a result ,he started to giggle.
That wasn't funny.

Above the two of you there was a sprinkler, you assumed that he expected you to shoot it. You were still trembling, you'd shoot it and then what?

You can't just stand there though, so you shot your arm up and fired the gun again and again. You closed your eyes untill you felt someone grab you and led you to a unknown destination.

It had to be Hiroto. You opened your eyes and got the shock OF YOUR LIFE! Hiroto was running towards the window! What could he be planning!?

You heard gunshots everywhere, it was so overwhelming, the thought of getting shot gave you a very ineffable feeling. You heard him grunt,
So he's scared too?
"Wait Hiroto! "

He didn't stop and ran into the window. The glass broke out into the sky as you two flew through it You guys were free falling from apparently the highest floor of the building. The whole city, visible from your point of view. You wrapped your arms around his neck and only then did you feel something,

Without a doubt...it was blood

"H-hiroto?!" You looked at him, his pink eyes became more dull, his eyelids nearly closed. "You're my one and only princess, F/N." The smirk on his face beacame no more as his eyes closed.

Hiroto is dieing...Hiroto...is dead.

"WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T DIE!" you cried, shaking him.

But he didn't wake up...

Alright. Guys! Hiroto is alive! Ok? Don't cry! take This tissue! *hands issue to you.*
I did not intend to make him...you know? Perish...
But it had to be like that, that way you'll stop being so...rude to him! You'll love him more! Well I hope so.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now