Work in silence

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"I mean, you can try tell him,maybe he'll listen to you."
Kiyama joked

"Hiroto Kira listen to a newbie. That's a amazing idea"

You were still looking at Kiyama when on the corner of your eyesight you could see something gray. You couldn't exactly see who it was because you were looking at Kiyama. You quickly shifted your eyes to this mystery .

You nearly jumped as you saw Hitoro staring at you, he looked as if he where about to ask you something. Your eyes quickly looked back at Kiyama who had turned back to doing work .

You could swear you looked long enough for him to notice you saw him. You continued to do your work hoping that he didn't hear what you said and that he will eventually look away .

You looked down at your work and started working. But you still felt his eyes on you. It's felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable.

Kiyama! Why in the world are you doing your work for?! HELP ME!

You tried to shake it off..

This is not how long you should stare at someone.
You didn't what the bell to ring because you didn't wanna walk past him.
But you didn't want him to keep on staring at you.

WHO STARES AT SOMEONE THIS LONG?! Sure know how to make someone uncomfortable.

He stared at you for only God knows how long. Then he turned to his foster brother.

"Who's the cute newbie?"
"Oh,yeah.... F/N me-"

The bell rang and you stood up and packed your books.

"Sorry can't talk!Have to get to class!"

"Wait!" Kiyama grabbed your wrist ."You're doing pure mathematics,Mrs kanji teaches that as well!"

"How did you know I do pure math?"

"I guess I'm just smart...comes with the eyes."

Sigh ..

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now