I Know

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"Gawd! Nagumo-san are you okay?" You ran over to him. The poor boy layed on the pavement, totally out of it,out cold.

"Hey!" You yelled up at her while on your knees. "You can't just go around punching people! He didn't lay a finger on you!"

The female with black hair huffed angrily, while the other one smiled nervously.
"So, she is Y/N! Wow, she hasn't changed! "


"Nagumo-san are you okay?!" You shook him. "Yeah I'm good..."

You sat at the table with your parents, who were already deep in conversation.
That girl, you can't just punch someone like that! That's so wrong! Nagumo didn't deserve it!

You clicked your tougue again,
And what was that name they called me?
Y/N? That's like, a Russian name! I'm Japanese!! Although...It sounds familiar.

"Hun what's with all the tongue clicking? Something the matter?" Your dad asked,
"Not really, just people at school. But...I wanted to ask."

"Mom, dad doesn't name Y/N sound familiar?"

You mom widened her eyes. "N-no, why?"
"It just sounds so familiar."
"It's probably just a name a city somewhere in Russia,"

"But, I've never been to Russia why would I know?" You sipped your soft drink.

Your dad nudged the female siting next to him, who happened to be your mom.

"Your mom and I, we used to travel the world, we still do now!" He nervously chimed.

"I know,"

Somewhere unknown

In the dark, a female sat on her bed.
"Onii, we've found her." She smiled on the phone. "Getting into the team was a piece of cake, though."

But don't forget what you're supposed to do. You have to get into the international team.

"I know, I know. It's Probably only me Aphrodi who'll get choosen, Speak of the devil..."

The male knocked on the door, "Akari, may I come in?" He asked, "Not right now... I'm kinda.. You know.. Naked so~"

"No, I'll leave you, my mistake...I-I'll see you at the dinner table. " He stuttered.
"Alright captain. Good bye."

Don't say things like that to a male, Destiny.

"I still haven't figured out if he's the pervy type or something. It was just a small test...I promise I won't say anything like that ever again. Apologies, onii."

... Anyway, make sure Laura's in line as well. Don't mess this up, if they find out it's game over.

"Right, I know."

And there's the Name of our chapter, the sentence 'I know,' from both you F/N and this unknown female!

I couldn't think of another way to make this dramatic, But if you know me, I'm full of surprises!

So if you think that's the sour turn then,

Alright, I'll give you the right to think so. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't 🤷🏾‍♀️

Untill next time さよなら
Also, check out these memes bro🤣🤣

Untill next time さよならAlso, check out these memes bro🤣🤣

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🤣Lol why's kidou so rude

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🤣Lol why's kidou so rude

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