who's this?

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If there's one thing that makes life harder than it should be...it's homework!

After that practice you had to get up and do your homework!

Not to mention catching up all the work you missed before you came to the school. Well at least you understood your work.

Your phone started to vibrate, oh hey you got a message!

●Hey princess.

•Who's this?

●you know who.

<You blocked this contact>

Not now Hiroto. Not now.
You put your phone down and continued with your work, you felt like you wanted to throw a pencil at his forehead!

~~next day @ school
"Hey Y/N-kun wanna lend your pencil to me?" Nagumo whispered.

"I don't know...do I?"

Nagumo snatched your pencil case and started to go through it, he decided he'd use your clutch pencil instead.

"Yes you do." He smirked, putting your pencil case back onto your table.

You were totally chilled, Nagumo was your friend and it didn't take that much time to get used to him...it took you two days.

In english class you sat next to Nagumo and Yagami ,she was super quiet most of the time.

You two have never spoke to each other before, you didn't wanna be the first person to break the ice.

But it was kinda awkward, as in awkward silence...
You were friends with Tatsuya, Nagumo,Suuzuno, Caroline and Osamu...Hiroto? Well yeah.

But not Reina, you didn't know how to approach her.

Was she a loud person? No, but you didn't know what type of person she was, she's probably an introvert.

You couldn't help but...stare at her. Not in a weird way but just to look at her, she was just so mysterious!

After finishing your work you decided to take advantage of the fact that there was still time.

Nagumo was finished with his work too, so you dug in his bag looking for his english book.

He actually didn't mind at all, he just watched you, with his eyebrows sky-high.

Wondering what you wanted in his bag. "You don't mind right?" You pulled his Maths book out.

He shook his head "Knock yourself out." You opened his book and you realized...

"...Is this your book?"

His hand writing was surprisingly neat! "Good job...Tulip-san." Nagumo looked surprised hearing you call him 'Tulip'

"If you call me Tulip...you have to promise me you'll call Suusuno 'Ice queen' "

Sure? SURE? You were anything but sure, you have seen for yourself how angry Suuzuno gets when Nagumo calls him 'Ice queen.'

"Nice shot Ice queen!" Nagumo called,watching Suuzuno hit the tennis ball, the said boy stayed put for a few seconds, and then he turned around.

His face...You had no idea Suuzuno was capable of looking so intimidating!

"What did I say!?" He yelled. "I SAID Don't CALL ME ICE QUEEN!"

He hit Nagumo on the head with the tennis racket ,he wasn't playing games! It looked sore! Mr. Ice queen didn't stop there.

He kept on hitting Nagumo like nobody has ever seen! But no one cared...so maybe they have witnessed such.

"Wait Suuzuno !" You called but he didn't stop, you were a bit hesitant to physically pull him away beacause...You know...

But still, you locked your arms around him and pulled him back, his white hair was all up in your face and...it smelt ...nice.

Suuzuno resisted for like three seconds then he dropped his tennis racket and you let go of him. "D-do you still wanna play?"
"No," he kicked the object on the floor.

Suusuno was known for his chilled aura, so this was kinda out of character...

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now