He's not THAT bad..

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You sat down next to Kiyama,again so that you could get this over and done with.

"Hiroto, aren't you gonna get to class? Kiyama suggested "You don't do pure math..."
"No,I don't have to...I'm rich, I don't need a career."

"But can you like...move cause this is my seat."

You looked up at a teen who was standing behind you.
His grayish–whiteish hair matched his white blazer immaculately as his teal green eyes stared down at Hiroto.

He's cute.

" People are scared of me because I'd say something like ' get the hell out of my seat you–"

"If that's the case how is that I'm not scared of you?"

"This brings me to second reason people are afraid of me. Why don't you come a little closer and I'll show you!" Hiroto offered.

"Bring your chrome dome over here and let me punch it back into the ice age times.
Since you love ice so much."

"Ow...." Kiyama softly commented.

That was a real,real burn...speaking of burn where is he?

"Please just get. Or I'm gonna tell ma'am."

In your mind you thought that this 'I'm gonna tell mam' thing was a nursery school type of thing.

But it's to be expected from Suusuno.

"Yeah?Well you can tell her... all she ever does is give me that look."

All three of you looked at Hiroto,what look?

"You know...that look."
"Which look? F/N do you know which look he's talking about?"
They all looked at you.
You shrugged.

"That look every single girl gives me,even her. That look that reassures me of how good looking I am."

You were really expecting a reasonable expectation for a nano second there.

"Agh" You and Suusuno both said at the same time, staring at him.

"There's that look again! I like you too, sweetie....No...honey buns." He gave you that evil grin.

Kiyama starting smiling and eventually started laughing.

What was so funny? You just got your new 'Hiroto-given'

It's gonna come down on you from now on......

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now