You're Special.

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So there is her concept of art above, I used reference of course I wanted her to actually look like she was drawn by a professional cause you know *patts my afro * I am one...


No jk I'm not an expert

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No jk I'm not an expert.

In the entrance of the school where lockers were lined up, a female walked up to a vending machine, her strap bag resting on her shoulder. She set it down to pull out her purse.

"Hey, so where have you been?" a specific male asked her, resting his palm on the glass of the vending machine which was the only light source in the room at the moment.

"You missed practice yet again..."

She glanced at him before inserting a coin in the slot. "I felt... sick. So I couldn't come..."
The male narrowed his feminine eyes, staring at her while she said this.

"But you weren't in your dorm room." he statued, Akari giggled, despite her being caught.

"Just 'cause I was sick doesn't mean I'll be in that room all day long." while pressing a button she said this. "Plus, I feel better now, so don't worry, Captain."

He could tell she didn't really care about the team. It made him wreck his brain trying to find out why she joined in the first place.

"The team is strong right? You'll manage without me." she added, bending below his arm, a packet of popcorn clutched in her hand.

At that moment, he saw something glow. Whatever it was it gave off a bright blue light, similar to a phone.

What's that?

"See ya." she chimed, "Have sweet dreams."


Hey... Does this song sound familiar??? It should, I totally remember Endou like: "Next episode on Inazuma eleven!"
The violins doe! Honestly this song, it's totally on my fav list.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now