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"Yabai..." You gasped, Hiroto did his Hissatsu tactic and it was so cool!

It went straight for the goal, and obviously made it in. You came running when he landed.

"Teach me!! "You begged grabbing his shirt."Now!Like right now!!"

He was a bit shocked, having you tug at his shirt. He swiftly removed them, before grinning, "Yeah sure."


"Alright, now kick it! "

You kicked that ball as hard as you could, but you couldn't reach it's destination in time. The ball flew all the way over the buildings of the school.

You sighed annoyance, this was the fifth time.

"Good effort, good effort..." He tried to comfort you,but you knew it wasn't good...

The last member will be chosen, next week! Therefore, you should be ready!

You even haven't cracked the second step, so how, how in the world were you gonna master this all in one weekend!?

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself." He rubbed your back.

"It took me time to prefect it too since it's late, you can come over to my house and we can practice there."

"I can't do that, I have to stay at home too, so that I can catch up with my work."

"Then this up to you, soccer or school?"

But, can't I have both?

Kay, so that was... Lets say 5th second-last chapter until the last chapter of book one.

(I know it doesn't make sense, but try to make sense of it please) 👀👀👀

(I know it doesn't make sense, but try to make sense of it please) 👀👀👀

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Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now