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Before you start reading the story, listen to the audio above. If it is possible play it while reading. I know this sounds more like a 'Nosaka' song

But this one works too.

Just download it on mp3 juices or whichever app works for you I guess.
___no but seriously, you really need to listen to these songs/this song trust in the author and do it.

 ___no but seriously, you really need to listen to these songs/this song trust in the author and do it

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You were running, hoping you'd catch Mrs Kanji in time before she leaves. And luckily she was still in her class.

Your plan was to drop off the rest of your homework, receive the memo and flee off to soccer practice because you were late for that too.

The pressure was on, because today, the last member will be chosen and if you're late they might just think you wee not coming or something.


Mrs Kanji was still in her class, but she was talking to that girl you saw last week. The one that punched Nagumo's nose.

What did she want at your school?

Whatever she wanted, it had something to do with you, because as soon as you entered the class they both stared at you.

The last thing you heard was Ma'am saying 'you're right,'

You took a deep breath in and exhaled. It shouldn't have anything to do with you, you didn't do anything to her.

"F/N." Ma'am said, standing up.

"Ma'am, I've finished my economics homework, I caught up all of my work in all of my subjects... Except for Pure math."

The girl looked at ma'am and they had this look, like they were agreeing on something.

"May I have the memo? I am really running late for soccer practice." You breathlessly added on.

"F/N, you should reconsider going to practice. The cycle test is two days from now and you haven't caught up."

She adjusted her glasses "I wouldn't know if it weren't for Akari here."

So that's her name.

"But who exactly are you?!" You fumed "And how do you know thi–"

"F/N you can't put a sport in front of your work. You have to stay until you're done." Akari remarked, crossing her arms.

Oh, you were mad now.
"But who says you're the boss of me!? I'll decide what I'll do next!"

"F/N,don't get cheeky now,she is telling the truth and she is just trying to help. I'm afraid I'll have to keep you in to catch up." Mrs Kanji sat down once again.

"When you're done you are free to go."

"But ma'am,I only have two minutes until practice starts! If I don't get there in time–"

"You're not putting a sport in front of education, are you?" Akari chopped in stroking her black hair.

You were about to explode, first this girl goes ahead and tattle-tales on you. Now she's like 'you can't put a sport in front of education'

Who is she to talk anyway!?
I'm not butting into your business so don't but into mine!!!

"I wasn't talking to you! Mind your own business!"

She was a bit surprised after you said that, then she smirked.

"Okay, I'll just go tell the team you're not coming, and leave you to speak to ma'am since we must 'mind our own business' right? " she quoted it with her two fingers. And left the class.

You balled your fists, gnashing your teeth angrily.

Who does this girl think she is???

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now