Late arrival

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Class has now began,and mrs Kanji had marked down the register.
She explained the work that was done before you had attended their school.

"Judging by how high your grades are, I'm surmiseing you are able to catch up with no problem?"

"I am not sure about that ,but I will try to catch up ma'am"

"You can tell me if you have queries, alright?"

You nodded and headed back to your seat with a large portion of papers. You examined the papers, there was at least 90 papers printed back-to-back .

"Jeez you guys do a immense amount of work. I think I might be challenged." You smiled at Kiyama.

"Oh? You weren't challenged at your previous school?"

"Negative" you snickered

Just then the door swang open causing the attention of the class to shift from the teacher to the door.

FUDGE! You serious?

There stood a male,gray hair, reddish- pinkish eyes,a tattoo of a baby blue lightning on the eye lid of his left eye, super untidy uniform.

"Hey sexy, am I late?" He winked

Who in his right mind would call a teacher sexy?
I get beautiful,but sexy? Really?

"Kira Hitoro,you're more than late. Sit ."

You looked around wondering where he was gonna sit, you tilted your head back to see behind Kiyama, there was a empty seat next to him.

Well of course, how did I not see that coming....

Hitoro seat down next to Kiyama. And slouched in his chair. He didn't take out his books, didn't pay attention,did nothing at all.

He just pulled out his phone and started typing and doing God knows what.

You softly tapped Kiyama's shoulder until he turned to look at you.

"Aren't you gonna tell him to at least get out his books and probably start listening?" You whispered

"There's really no use" he shrugged
"He doesn't listen,not even to the teachers"


Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now