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P.E class

"Hiroto's absent, so F/N you'll be with...let's see..." Mr Fuji hummed in thought, "F/N...you'll be with Midorikawa."
You two high fived, yes everyone Midori is a high five person. "Oh wait, it's gonna be girls against boys so, Saginuma swap with F/N."
You looked at Saginuma, he was standing next to...
Well whatever.

You ended up on Reina's team but maybe it was a sign. Maybe you two should become friends! At least you're not with Suusuno, beacause then Nagumo was gonna stir up trouble and stuff.
"When it's seniors against juniors you'll swap again. Anyway, you'll be running relay matches everyone around the first half of the field..."

You sighed...after yesterday YOU STILL HAVE TO--
"What's the matter F/N? I thought you liked running." You heard a femine voice ask.
How does she know my name?
"No running is the worst." You huffed. "That's surprising, beacause you were running around the field yesterday, it looked like you were having fun."
If crying is considered as fun then yes I WAS HAVING SOOO MUCH FUUUUN!

"No, I was crying..."
Reina looked at you weirdly for a second, then she crossed her arms. "You're a strange one F/N,"
Aren't we all?

Reina started off around the first half of the field she was doing fine, but you expected her to be faster than the rest of the learners, but no, they were the same pace wise. You noticed that nobody on the soccer team ran first ,it was only Reina, so maybe she just wanted to get it over and done with.

You didn't wanna seem...desperate or anything,  but you kinda wanted to win this relay race. It was just the you in you. You wanted to cheer for her, but I mean, you met her like...two seconds ago,so it may just be weird.
Maybe she didn't care but you did! It could make you look good if you won.

She was like 5 meters away and you were ready to bolt into sprint mode, seeing Suuzuno ,Nagumo ,and the rest of the soccer players being your competition, you could now feel your blood, your skin was crawling and your mouth went dry.

When the cold sensation of the silver poll touched your skin, your speed was equivalent to the speed of sound. Before you knew it you were already ahead. But Tatsuya and Suuzuno were catching up and Nagumo passed them like they were nothing.

Damn Nagumo!

You weren't about to let him pass you so, you pushed yourself. But the tulip passed you anyway and you were a few meters ahead of Suuzuno and Tatsuya.
Now that you were running it felt like you were gonna be running forever, looking at how long you had to go.

Suuzuno caught up to you, and shame...his face ,so red and sweaty, he wasn't breathing heavily. And you noticed, neither were you!

Tatsuya fell behind along with the others. Now, it was just you ,Suuzuno and Nagumo who was now more ahead.
Are you guys getting slower or is he getting faster?

You pushed your legs untill you felt your stomach tense and you were leaving Suuzuno behind.
Bye Suuzuno!
Now Suuzuno, was behind you and you were losing the gap between you and Nagumo, you were coming for that boy...

"GO F/N!" You heard someone scream,how sweet F/N someone's cheering for you!

However you didn't wanna lose your focus so you didn't look to the side or anything. You felt like you were doing sit ups!

Your stomach became more tense and your legs were stinging like crazy. But Naugmo was so close! You couldn't stop! 

Speaking of stop, you were nearing the end of the field where you started, and you gave one more push to pass Nagumo, but you ended up next to him.

Nagumo was like a choo-choo train! He was like 'choooo!'everytime he breathed out!

You wanted to laugh but ,that would only make your stomach more painfull.

You tried to ignore his breathing, and carried on ,little by little you passed him.

Centimeters became meters untill you were actually ahead of him!
When you reached the end you stopped, but you heard someone say "F/N! Why did you stop!?"
"What do you mean? Oh shoot..."

It looked like you had to do another lap! Everyone looked faster, now everyone was ahead of Nagumo, Tatsuya and Suuzuno were leading.

More like Tatsuya was leading! You huffed staring at them, they were already so ahead so there was no way--
Something flashed pass you and all you could smell, was playboy perfume...
There was nothing in your hands, "What the..."

There's Hiroto! You were surprisingly happy to see him, but he was kinda behind.

Well, no way he could catch up...
He was really behind, it was like a match between light and sound you're fast, but not fast enoug--
you chocked on your own thoughts, Hiroto PASSED NAGUMO!

"You look very happy F/N." Reina smiled, "I am! Hiroto is amazing!!" You boomed, loud enough for anyone to hear.
"Why don't you cheer for him, like I did for you?"



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