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"Tatsuya-san, where's Hiroto-san? " you breathlessly asked, Tatsuya stared at you in awe for a few momments, suprised after hearing your words. "Well, I saw him at the gate,"
"C'mon, give me something I can work with. Everybody enters using the gate entrance!"
"I don3t know then, sorry F/N-chan."

You nodded your head and turned around "But...why?" His quesion made you stop in your tracks," I thought you were trying to get away from him?"
"I was! But...umm..." you couldn't say anything, you had nothing to say at all. "Wait a second..." Tatsuya sounded like he was onto something. "I'm sorry I can't talk! I've gotta find Hiroto! Bye Tatsuya-san!" You rushed off before he could say anything ,he was probably gonna say something you wouldn't like to hear.

You ran around rhe whole school, the gate entrance up at your class Hiroto wasn't there.
"Hey sexy am I late?"

There was a possibility he could show up late like Yesterday. But you wanted to see him now!
"Hiroto! HIROTO!" You called out while walking around, students started to look at you weirdly ,but you were outside. AND IT'S A FREE COUNTRY!
You carried on and on untill you heard knocking, you looked up and saw Hiroto's face, he was smirking knowing that you were looking for him.

You ran up the stairs as fast as you could ,until you arrived at a empty class. The door swang open and you flew into the class and onto your 'coach'
"Hiroto!" You cried, you didn't notice the fact that you were kinda strangling him. He ruffled your hair. "Why the sudden change in attitude?" He asked. "Are you complaining?"
"...No. "

You could hear his heart beating ,quite fast but the faster the better. It relieved your mind to know he was okay. After you let go you both had eye contact , his eyes were fine they were still pink/ pale red. "Miss me?" He squeezed your cheeks, your face scrunched up in annoyance, after yesterday he still wants to touch your cheeks!

But you couldn't find so much anger in your heart, instead you found sadness. "I had a nightmare, Hiroto you died!"
His eyes wided. "I did?"
"Yes!" You started to cry again, the poor boy...he didnt know what to do with you and your tears! He hugged you once again but this time he was a little hesitant.
I died? He thought.
"Don't cry F/N, I'm still alive it was just a nightmare." He rubbed your back. "I'll make sure you die before me, okay?"

That came out wrong...
Awkard silence fell after Hiroto realized his sentence sounded more murderous than comforting. "You know what meant right?"
"Hai," you took one more glance at him and noticed something. "My gosh Hiroto, why are you so red!?" You teased

"It's cold outside!"
You glanced outside and then at him. "There aren't any clouds today, and you aren't wearing your jersey or jacket...or your blazer. "
This made his face go rose red. "You're blushing!" You called, "I am not!"

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now