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The second soccer practice approached, and you were way less up tight about training and school in general.

"So Hiroto-san, what am I going to do as practice today?"
"Just call me Hiroto...and you're gonna run 20 laps today and then, you're gonna do the exercises you didn't do yesterday...then today's practice."

You stopped in your tracks. "YOU'RE BLUFFING!"
"No, I don't bluff." He closed his eyes, "Also I told you, F/N...F/N? "

You ran as fast as you could to Tatsuya, if Hiroto thinks you're gonna run 20 laps he is out of his mind. "TATSUYA-SAN!" You screamt, but he couldn't hear you, you were so far away.

Hiroto has gone crazy...Hiroto is crazy...Hiroto needs help!

You glanced behind you and you nearly fell down, Hiroto was right behind you and he was catching up fast!
"Tatsuya-saaaaaaan!" The red head looked at you. "Helllllp!" You called you were so close to reaching him but your legs began to get tired, but you didn't care!

No way I'm running 20 laps!

You pounced onto him. "You have to train me!" As usual he blinked about 5 times before he could reply "I thought you were training with Hiroto?"

"Tatsuya, shut up and listen! " You started, looking back at Hiroto whom was still running. "Hiroto is about to make me run 20 laps! And then he's still gonna make me train! You have got to help me!"

"Oh well sure I can talk to Hiro--"
"Noooo! You have to train me! Please!!!" Your desperation made you shout at him, you grabbed  his shoulders "You have to help me!"

Hiroto was so close you could smell it! And Tatsuya went blank!
You didn't wanna say it out loud but,

Tatsuya can be useless at times!

This time you ran to Suuzuno. "Suuzuno-san!!" You scremt and practically hugged him ,his arms threw forward as you landed onto him.

"F/N relax... I can't hear a thing you're saying, take a deep breath in...and let's try again." He rubbed your back, waiting for you to continue.

You did as he said, but fast. "Hiroto is about to make me run twenty laps around the field! And--"
"Twenty laps? "
"Around this field? "
"YES! YOU NEED TO HELP ME!" It was at that moment ,someone grabbed your collar, but not so was wasted too much time! "Colour me impressed." He spoke. "Running that fast? Across the whole field?"
You looked way out.

20 laps here I come...

"We are practically at the entrance of the field! "
"Honestly, I think you have the potential to run faster!" He exclaimed letting go of your collar. "Indeed." You replied, and technically flew off the field at ultra speed.
"F/N!!" You heard him call.

Bless your soul F/N...bless you soul.

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now