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"44, 45 ,46 ,47..."
I'm stupid...I AM STUPID!

Yeah, so...Hiroto caught you...and he made you run 25 laps ,you barely survived!

But you wouldn't dare to run away again. After that...he made you do 50 sit ups, little did he know you're really good at doing sit ups,so the joke's on him!

And now you're doing star jumps, apparently you were supposed to do 100 of them.

He was nice enough to pick you up and drop you off at the locker room after practice.

That bonehead even had the audacity to crack jokes about your practice saying:

'Well you can't just let the opportunity sit on your lap, get it? LAP! HAHAHA HAH!' Or 'Don't worry F/N it will all work out. GET IT? WORK OUT! HAHAHAH!' Or 'I slouch on my chair...but you sit up F/N, GET IT!? SIT-- oww! HEY I WAS ONLY JOKING! '

Hiroto you're an ass, you know that right?

When you got home you changed after greeting your parents. "Whoa." You were amazed, staring at the mirror.

Your calfs, they toned up! Your legs as well!

No way...

Hiroto's training routine was working wonders on your legs! Looking gooooood F/N!
Hey guys! 🇿🇦🇯🇵
Short chapter...again. Oh! And just so you know I thought of those jokes. I'm the empress of dry jokes! Honestly I started crying I thought it was hilarious!!🤣🤣😂😂
Comedy goooooold!

Also, reading my story I had no idea I made so many mistakes spelling and grammar wise! I was surprised it was that bad!
Guess I should stop using Google voice thingy, please forgive me!📿💔💕

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now