The Worst of Him and The Best of Him.

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(Happy New Year ;))

"No, it don't always go the way we planned it. But the wolves came and went and we're still standing." 

"You guys should really look into a house," Alecia comments as we enter Christians apartment, "Ash more or less you should." That's a little bit random but okay, she's definitely not wrong on that one. "Well, I just know both of you only have apartments right now and you've got a roommate with Alex, and babies are a lot. It's nice to have your own space too. Did you know Christian's brother is actually a realtor out here too?" 

"I didn't actually," I comment looking to Christian and giving him a small smile, "It's definitely something I've thought about it's just really hard to go for it right now with how busy my company is this time of year and all the stuff I've had going on now. There was a solid month an a half where I was in a custody battle with some dummy," I tease Christian getting a small laugh and a slight shake of his head, "Then we came out by you about a month after that then obviously everything with my mom now. There's a small inconvenience of me being six months pregnant now." 

Alecia chuckles a little and nods, "I know but, just let us know if you ever want to start looking I'm sure he'd be able to find you an incredible deal around here. Or even if the two of you wanted to move in together." Woah kay there Alecia, it's a bit early.

"Alright mom why don't I show you the guest room," Christian says not ready to entertain that conversation. It's hard to refrain from chuckling at the conversation though. "Ash you know where my room is if you wanted to head up." 

Chuckling I shake my head, "Well I guess I'll see you in the morning, Alecia." 

Looking up at Christian I give him a small smile as the morning light shines softly in from his blinds, "What'd you think about your mom's comment about us moving in together?"

Christian furrows his eyebrows a moment before tipping his head to the side a little. "I don't think it's the worst idea in the world. It would make seeing you and Kacelyn a lot easier in season if we did and save a lot of stress I think." Kacelyn, something about how he says her name makes my heart flutter. 

Taking a little breath I nod slightly, "I hate to say I kinda agree with you." 

Christian lets out one of his loud laughs making me laugh which in turn makes Kacelyn get a little riled up, "Why do you hate to say that? I thought we were getting along." 

"We are," I reply grinning at him, "I gotta keep up some of the sass even if we're being nice." 

"Oh, I see," Christian replies laughing a little before smiling at me. The dude is mad cute I'll give him that. It's hard to think about how this relationship all started to where it is right now. Christian leans down and kisses me softly before leaning back. "What do you think about us moving into a house together?" 

Pondering the question I turn my attention to my bump where Kacelyn is settled. If Christian continues to act like this Christian, how could I ever deprive her of being able to know her dad? Right now nothing seems like it's going to change which makes the answer a little easier than I know it should be. "I think it's a decent idea," I say as I turn my attention back to him and give him a little smile, "Ideally we'd be able to get to know each other a little bit more, but with who you've shown me you are; who am I to deprive her of her father who is proving to be a good man at this rate." 

Christian's smile grows a little more before he leans in and kisses me again. As much as part of me still wants to continue to see the worst in him, the best of him makes it hard to hold onto that. His hand had been resting just above my hip up until now where he's got it gently on my stomach where Kacelyn is growing between us, his thumb gently rubbing up and down. 

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