Three More Weeks.

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"How long do you wanna be loved? Is forever enough?  Because I'm never ever giving you up." 

"ChristianYelich tagged you in a post." Shaking my head I tap the notification that takes me to his latest post on Instagram. The smile on my face doesn't falter as I see the image of the two of us on our deck as he's down on one knee in front of me. We talked briefly about how public things between us would be, neither of us loving being super open about things on social media, I did tell him that it'd be up to him if he wanted to put everything out there or not. Seeing the post solidifies his decision for me. The picture itself is incredibly beautiful and I'm very thankful for the shots that we got of the whole thing even though I had no clue any of it was happening. 

Scrolling down I find the caption and get teary-eyed at his public official announcement of me, and our baby girl. "Needless to say life's been crazy recently. I'm not someone who enjoys putting my personal life out so publicly but these two are the most important people in my life and I don't want to keep that to myself anymore. @AshtynKingston I love you and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby girl."

It's hard to help myself from laughing over how I cry over the littlest things right now, shaking my head as I chuckle I hit the add a comment and type out, "I love you too <3, could've given me a heads up so I could prepare for my hormonal waterworks :P" Posting the comment I actually look at the rest of my notifications for the first time and notice the abundance of people requesting to follow me. Could've given me a heads up for this part too, I'm sure once they're denied here a handful of them will just go over to my business page given that's the only thing in my bio right now. I just really hope a bunch of people interested in Christian and Me won't flood that page and drive away business in doing so. 

Given the Instagram post, I'd guess that Christian is going to be home any minute as I doubt he'd have opened that floodgate while in the middle of Brewers On Deck. This is the first day in a while that we haven't just been home together and I don't really like it, god I'm fucking clingy right now, "Kacey really wants to mess with momma huh? What happened to me being a badass boss bitch huh?" I ask holding my belly, "You stole my edge kid, I love you so damn much but give me my edge back dude." I can't help but laugh to myself as I'm talking to my unborn baby who can't understand a word I'm saying. 

Pulling my hair up in a clip at the back of my head I tie the robe Christian bought all those months ago to hang at my old apartment now around the top of my bump. Rubbing my hand over where my daughter rests I just smile knowing she's almost here, she's almost here. That's so crazy how freaking close we are to having her and being able to meet her, we don't even have our hospital bag packed. I should do that so we're ready to go if she wants to come sooner. 

One thing I will not miss is this stupid little waddle I'm doing to walk anywhere. So annoying even if somehow Christian always seems to think it's the cutest thing in the world. Flicking on the light to the nursery, there's her little crib where she's going to be sleeping very soon. God, I'd look like an idiot just smiling to myself right now, it's really hard to care though with how excited I am for her to get here. Her little eyelashes resting on her cheeks, I'm sure she'll have dark hair like Christians covering her head, swaddled up, sleeping peaceful as can be, how could she not? She's got more love for her tiny little self than you could ever imagine. Three more little weeks until that's more than just a picture in my head. Just three more weeks. Grinning I smile at my bump my hand going over it for the billionth time since it's been a thing. 

Grabbing the way too expensive Gucci diaper bag Christian insisted that Kacelyn needed because "his kid and fiancee can't be walking around with some Target tote like everyone else." Which I'm guessing was his way of buying something that he'd be fine walking around with too given he opted for the most expensive black and grey toned bag. As much as I love that man I really cannot stand him sometimes. I laugh to myself as I examine the bag before shaking my head, I can't do anything about it now, and I will admit it is a sleek looking bag while still being completely practical. As practical as a nearly $2,000 diaper bag can be at least. 

Pulling the bag up onto the changing table I pull out the top drawer and start gabbing what I'd assume we need, starting with some bottles, just in case, and a couple of outfits who knows how long we're going to have to say. Looking through the drawer full of clothes I can't help but think the outfit she comes home in is going to be the most important thing. We aren't going to know what size she is though until she's here which makes this a little harder seeing as I'll need to pick two. God all this stuff is so fucking cute and tiny. February in Wisconsin too is definitely something to put into consideration. Looking through the onesies in front of me I can't help but laugh as I find the god-awful seahorse one that Alex got me when we all found out I was pregnant. "My mommy is my daddy," I read aloud scoffing.

"What was that?" Christian asks making me jump as I didn't even realize he was here now, "Sorry I forgot you were jumpy." 

"Ass," I reply as I turn and look at him before tossing him the onesie that was in my hand, "Alex gave me that when you were being a dick and I told him that I wasn't going to let him step in to play dad. Stupid as hell but what are you gonna expect from him." Christian laughs and shakes his head tossing it back, "Him and Nat got me a couple one of which was the one thats like your jersey, also from Alex being a dick at the time." 

Christian laughs again as he comes over to me and gives me a kiss before peering into the bag, "Yeah pretty sure that's to be expected between the two of you. What are you doing?" 

Taking a breath I turn back to the bag a little, "Packing for the hospital, Kacelyn could make her appearance any day now realistically so I figured it'd be best to get this checked off the to-do list before that happens." 

"Good thinking," He tells me his hands resting on my hips before he kisses the top of my head.

"Speaking of stuff on the to-do list, did you get the car seats in the cars?" I ask looking up at him, "That's another pretty important one." 

"Not yet, I can do that today though," He replies, "I missed you today."

The corners of my mouth turn into a smile as he says it, "Is that why my Instagram has like four thousand follow requests today?" Christian's loud laugh makes me laugh, "I missed you too." 

"I guess I should've given you the heads up on that huh?" He asks as I chuckle shaking my head slightly refolding some of the stuff I'd moved now, "You said it was up to me though and I figured that like you said Baby Kacey is due really soon it'd be a good time to get my two girls out there while things are still able to be calm. That and now I'm done with any real public stuff until spring training starts up so hopefully, interest will die down by then." 

"It'd be nice wouldn't it?" I ask with a small laugh, "How was today?"

"It was good, just like any other year still super cool getting to see everyone and really be a part of the Milwaukee sports love. I've always thought Milwaukee and Wisconsin just had the best atmosphere for sports and everything so it's cool to be able to be an active part of it and see the passion and love of it first hand more than just on the field." 

"I'd bet," I reply nodding a little, "I laughed at the timing of your post knowing you'd probably just left when you posted it." 

Christian chuckles, "Well yeah I wasn't going to do it before and get mobbed with questions about it." I laugh with him as I continue shuffling through Kacelyns clothes. 

"Wanna help me pick out her coming home outfit?" 

(You guys still here, still vibing with the story? It's been a little quiet on both ends but I'm shooting for consistent Sunday updates! 
Feb 21st and 28th being the only dates that I know I'm probably not going to be updating as I'll be in St.Thomas the 20th-27th. 
I got a 20-pack for this season too which is incredibly exciting.
*I also got my first dose of the Covid Vaccine this past Monday and am getting the second dose on the 15th. So A lot has happened since my last update haha. 
*Hope you guys are doing well and staying safe, love you, and I'll talk to you again on Sunday!)

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