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"He'd be praying for a little baby boy, someone he could take fishing. Throw the football and be his pride and joy."

Still crying as I approach Christians place I try and wipe my eyes again to try and stop my tears as I knock on his door, I haven't stopped crying since I found out that I'm having a girl. My baby's a girl. Almost sobbing again at the thought I hold my hand over my mouth to try and stop it, I'm an absolute mess. 

"Hey," Christian says opening the door before immediately looking concerned over my tears, "What happened? Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?" I nod quickly as I'm smiling through my tears, "Why are you crying?" 

Wiping under my eyes again I continue to fail with my attempts at containing my emotions making me laugh a little through it. "It's a girl," I tell him before starting to sob again over how happy I am. God this is so crazy, he probably thinks I'm insane. 

His eyes go wide at the news before he asks, "Seriously?" I just nod still trying to figure out how to stop crying. Christian has a huge smile on his face as he almost looks like he's tearing up too, I can't really tell though my tears are blocking most of my vision at this point. "Holy shit Ashtyn," He says excitedly, "Can I hug you?" When I nod again he pulls me into him and holds onto me tightly making me just sob into his chest so overwhelmed with excitement about my little girl. I'm having a baby girl. "I'm moving us inside so you're not just sobbing in the hall," Christian says before starting to shuffle us back into his apartment making me laugh a little as he doesn't let me go. This is the closest we've been since the night we met. This is crazy.

I'm not really sure how long we're just hugging each other in his entryway before he finally lets me go and I calm down to silent tears as opposed to full-on sobbing. Pulling out my phone I head into my email and open the video of the ultrasound that was sent to me so I can show Christian. I can't help but grin from ear to ear as I look at my baby girl on my phone screen before turning the volume all the way up and showing it to Christian as I hit play. 'Wub wub wubs' fill the silence of the room between us as Christians eyes gloss over as he holds on just staring at the video of the ultrasound in his hands. "That's her heartbeat, right?" he asks me eyes glued to the screen still.

"Yeah," I tell him almost in a whisper as I'm listening just as intently to the sound filling the air between us. The sound stops for a moment before Christian swipes his finger along the bottom of the screen starting it over again. I can't help but laugh a little at the action making him smile a little more as I do as he watches the video of my little girl again. 

"That's our baby," Christian says quietly, "That's our daughter." 

"You know we've got like twenty weeks still to think of a name right?" I ask him smiling over how excited he is right now throwing out baby names. Christian nods with a smile, "Alright just making sure," I comment before throwing out, "What about Jailyn?" 

Christian scoffs shaking his head, "No, half of twitter wants me to date Jailyn James, that girl who plays softball for Team USA. It'd be weird naming our daughter that." I just shake my head laughing a little, I guess that's a valid reason, even if the name is cute, "What about like Natalie?"

"Nope," I tell him laughing as I think of Natalia and how honored she'd be and how annoying she'd be if I named my baby that, "My best friend's name is Natalia." 

"We really know too many people I swear to god," Christian says, "Between you owning a company and me being the face of the brewers or whatever we meet and have to know too damn many people." 

"Yeah, I've noticed," I reply pursing my lips to the side, "Ariella?" 

Christian considers it for a second before shaking his head, "I mean it's definitely cute, I'm not sure I wanna name our kid after the little mermaid." 

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