The Rise and Fall Of Ashtyn Kingston.

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"White lips, pale face, breathing in the snowflakes. Burnt lungs, sour taste. Lights gone, days end. Long nights, strange men."


Ashtyn's "no", grabs my attention even more, as she grips onto my arm. She looks like she's about to puke. What the hell did that dude give her?

"Ash," I call out as she collapses into me, oh my god. "Ashtyn, holy shit!" I start to panic as I get her to the ground. "Ashtyn, hey," I yell at her, shaking her slightly, trying to get her up. "Ashtyn," I call out louder again, patting her face slightly. "Somebody calls 911!" I yell out, knowing there's already a crowd. 

"What happened?" "What's going on?" "Oh my god!" The murmurs of the crowd surrounding us don't help this situation at all. 

"Ashtyn," I call out again, shaking her shoulders with no luck. Where the fuck is that shit bag?

"What the hell happened?" Is asked as someone crouches next to me, fucker.

"Why don't you fucking tell me? What the fuck did you slip her?" I ask, pulling even more attention from the crowd. Some dude getting called out for drugging a girl usually is a party foul in this setting. 

Zach looks shocked and almost speechless after my accusation, "What? I-I didn't, Nothing?"

"Bull shit," I yell back at him. The crowd around us has a couple of guys start yelling at Zach before one pulls him away. This isn't happening. 

The bouncer to the club comes over, "What's going on?"

Shaking my head I try and shake Ashtyn again, "I don't know. She just collapsed after meeting back up to me after being with the guy that was just over here. I don't know if he slipped her something or what."

The bouncer nods and rests two fingers on Ashtyn's neck a few moments, "Does she have any drug habits that you know of, cocaine, ecstasy, anything like that?"

"No," I reply quickly, "She wouldn't touch that stuff, her mom was an addict and OD'd about six months ago. I don't know if she's on any medication anymore. She just had a c-section right around six, almost seven, weeks ago now. She lost the baby though. I don't know if she's taking anything." The bouncer nods and shakes his head a little.

"Let's get her outside so the paramedics can help, I'm going to grab the defibrillator." Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. How is this happening right now? This was supposed to be a good night. 

Grabbing Ashtyn, I lift her and carry her through the crowd that's parted for us. How do I even start to wrap my head around what's happening right now? As much as I feel like I need to, I can't panic right now. Fuck. 

Getting outside, I crouch down again to let Ash down. This girl has been through hell and back.  how is she here like this? She has to be okay. Losing Kacelyn was horrible for everyone, I can't even imagine losing Ashtyn. "Please, for the love of god Ash, please, be okay." 

Hearing the sirens pulls my attention, I look up seeing the flashing lights approaching. What the hell am I supposed to do if she isn't okay?

The ambulance pulls up and two paramedics jump out and grab the stretcher, "What's your name son?"

"Alex," I reply getting overwhelmed as I see the police car approach. 

"Alright, Alex," The one who'd been speaking to me starts, "I'm Michael, do you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my roommate, Ashtyn Kingston," I tell him, as I blindly follow as they get Ash on the stretcher. 

"You don't mind riding along with us, do you? So we can figure out what's going on?" He asks, and I nod, following them as they get Ashtyn into the ambulance. Once they shut the door, they immediately start to get to work. "Do you know if she took anything?"

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