You've Got Me There.

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"There's only one thing, to do. Three words, for you." 

"Hey," I say leaning on the doorframe of Christian and my bedroom. Christian just finished showering and is pulling his shirt on before he looks at me and smiles, "Happy birthday." 

Chuckling he nods slightly, "Thank you beautiful." The corner of my mouth turns up slightly at the compliment even though I've been feeling anything but recently. Being pregnant has kicked my ass recently. Christian holds his arms out for me as I walk into the room making me laugh as I head to hug him back. 

"I got you something," I tell him as we're still hugging.

"Babe I told you, you didn't have to do or get anything for me you're already doing more than I could ever ask of anyone," He says letting me go.

I just roll my eyes a little and shake my head, "Too bad I got you something." Walking over to my side of the bed I grab the box from out of my end table drawer and hand it to him, "If it makes you feel any better I didn't get around to wrapping it." 

"Ashtyn seriously you didn't have to get me anything," He says again before I hand him the box. "Ashtyn are you kidding?" It's hard not to laugh at his protests as he examines the Rolex box in his hands before finally opening it.

"So if you don't like it we can go to exchange it if you want," I start explaining as he looks at the watch with a smile on his face and he shakes his head, "I went with the purple because Kacelyn is due in February, and her birthstone is going to be amethyst, then her birth flower is violet and primrose. All of those are purple so I thought it'd be something for her." I explain as he looks over the deep purple watch face set in the black band. He's never been someone super gaudy so I stayed away from anything with too much ice, even though this has some surrounding the watch face it's subtle enough. Chrisitan pulls it out of the box to slip it on his wrist, "Obviously you're going to have pictures and facetime and everything with her once she's here but just a little something to represent her for when you're away for work and she's here with me." 

Christian takes a breath and nods with a smile still looking at it before he pulls me into another hug, "Thank you, Ash, it's perfect." 

"Good I'm really glad you like it, Happy Birthday." 

Seven more weeks. Only seven more weeks until this baby girl making me look massive is finally here. Looking over myself as I sit on the barstool I've got at our vanity it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I'm almost done being pregnant. My baby girl is a tiny human right now and she's as big as a cantaloupe that's crazy. Knowing that she's just hanging out in there makes how weird my stomach looks almost entirely ignorable. 

"What are you up to?" Christian asks making me jump a little as I wasn't expecting him.

"Jeez, dude you can't do that," I scold laughing a little, "In case you've forgotten a tiny human is chilling on a bunch of my organs including my bladder. . . I don't exactly have the best bladder control anymore." Christian laughs and shakes his head a little before he comes behind me and rests his hands on my shoulders, "I was just thinking about how crazy this all is. Seven more weeks and we get to actually meet her. That all makes how crazy and weird my stomach looks and how crazy and weird my body and emotions all are a little bit better." 

"Hey, makes you a lot easier to deal with too," He teases making me roll my eyes as I scoff. "I love you Ash," he tells me softly as he kisses the top of my head, "And of course I love you too Kacelyn," He says making me smile as he rests a hand on my belly. 

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