Whats Next/Questions?

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Hey guys!  I just want to start this off by saying thank you so much for supporting and continuing to support my writing. I know it wasn't always easy cause I'd go extended periods of time where I just didn't update and I'm sorry for that. Life gets pretty crazy in ways that I'd never expected or even wanted it to more or less. (3500 word testimony to lawyers over shit my boss pulled wasn't something I expected at my age lmao) So thank you for sticking by and continuing to support me and my writing whether this is the first of my works you've picked up or you've been here through FWB and MTB, it didn't go unnoticed even if at times I wasn't the best at responding/updating. I love you guys and you guys are the reason I continue to do this and I continue wanting to write on here. (If you haven't checked out FWB yet and it's Sequel, feel more than welcome to do that ;) haha)

This story was a challenge for me to write because I lost a lot of the passion I'd had for it when I stopped being consistent uploading because I wasn't mentally/physically able to at that point because of how stressed out work got me. I straight up would go home order doordash, then go to bed and do nothing else. It was just the worst, and then I had to continue this on top of it which at the time just felt like a chore and I'm sorry for that, especially since it may have thrown off the story vibe a little since I hadn't just been sitting down and writing like I did at the end here. It was also a challenge for me because I kept basing the success on this story, on the success that FWB had and still continues to have, so that was a little frustrating to me even though I know exactly what the difference was but I for the longest time just couldn't do anything to fix it. So I apologize if things may have gotten confusing or I guess rushed at any point in time. So here is your opportunity, do you have any questions regarding anything in the story? Or any questions regarding why I did as I did or just any questions for me?? I'd love to hear what you've got and answer any questions you may still have. When I eventually do get around to doing a full on edit of this it's also going to help me with that knowing what things may have been confusing to my readers so I can make this story better.

So on top of the thank you to all of you, I also want to ask what you want to see next from me. I have like one other idea for a story that is its own thing as this book was, I'm not really committed to it yet though just because I don't know if I actually believe it'd be successful or something you guys would truly enjoy. So it's just kinda a floater there currently. The other idea that had been thrown around was a Carly/Cody spin off of FWB it's been requested a few times and I've thrown the idea out there so I'd just like an official sort of head count on where we're at in terms of that. Also what your thoughts even are on that, it's going to be super helpful to me to know, and I'm actually putting that together if that's the route we go.
I'm also more than willing to see what you guys are thinking and what you guys would like to see from me! That's one of the things I really love about this app is that I can hear your opinions and hopefully make something that you guys are really going to enjoy because its what you wanted! Don't be afraid to ask or suggest things (that you'd like to see me write/make stories about) because I do really enjoy writing and finding different things to write about. So again just let me know and I'm more than happy to consider it!

Again, thank you guys for all the support it truly means the world and is the main reason why I continue to do what I do and want to do what I do, you've been incredible and I'm lucky to have readers like you guys. FWB I think! Is still the most read Yeli fic on wattpad which is insane to me how well it's done and continues to do, I didn't expect 10,000 reads let alone more than a quarter of a million reads. So thank you guys for all the love and support you've shown, I don't know how more I can express how truly grateful I am for everything, and I can't wait to figure out what I'm putting out next for all of you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With exuberant amounts of Love,

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