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"Cocaine what I flip, jump in the whip, cannot compete with. A real OG like me, you know I did that dough like deep dish."


"Can you hurry up?" I ask, increasingly annoyed that Christian is showering this morning. It's not like he's got anywhere to be this morning. "Some of us have actual jobs to go to today." Knocking on the door a couple times, I scoff and head to the closet and pick out my outfit for today. Fucking obnoxious.

Shuffling through the clothes, nothing seems like it works. My pushing of the various articles of clothing gets increasingly more aggressive with almost every garment that passes. Why the fuck is this so hard today? All of this shit just fucking sucks. "Ugh!" I groan out loudly, frustrated with everything as I push my hands through my hair. God, I need a fucking hit right now, or I'm gonna lose my shit. Small issue is, I doubt Christian would be a fan of seeing me do a bump right now, let alone a line like I want to do. The only solution is him hurrying the fuck up and getting out of the bathroom.

Leaving our closet again, I head downstairs to grab my baggie from my purse. Rummaging my bag, I find it and shake my head a little, noticing that I've probably only got two lines left. Fuck, I'll have to hit Ashleigh up. Putting the baggie into my pocket, I head back up the stairs taking them two at a time and getting back into our bedroom.

Knocking again on the door, I call out, "Seriously, Christian? I've got a meeting. Can you hurry, the fuck, up?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, dude," Christian says as he pulls the door open, visibly annoyed. "Someone piss in your Cheerios this morning or what?" Scoffing, I roll my eyes and head into our bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it quickly. So obnoxious.

Pulling the baggie back out of my pocket, I set it out on the counter. Fuck. I didn't grab anything to cut this with, let alone snort it. Glancing around the bathroom, I look for things I could use. I mean, I could just use my hands to cut the line, it won't be pretty, but it'll suffice. Tapping my fingers on the side of the counter, I try to think of anything I could use right now. I've also got to think about what I can use that won't draw attention.

After a few moments, it dawns on me, a tampon applicator. Wasting no time, I pull open the cabinet under the sink and grab one out of the box. Ripping the packaging open, I yank the piece you use to push them in out and let the rest of it fall on the ground. This is actually kinda perfect for what I need.

Taking the baggie, I dump some of its contents out onto the counter. Using my pinky fingers, I do my best to make a usable line. Once I'm happy with what I've got, I go in with my makeshift straw and inhale the evidence. Scrunching my nose, I get used to the feeling of it all and let myself relax again. Knowing Christian, he might get suspicious of something if I don't get the shower on soon. Flicking on the tap, I let it run as I clean up any evidence of my actions now.

By the time I'm out of the shower, my high has kicked in, and once again, that invincible feeling takes over. Any annoyance from this morning has faded, and I'm just ready to take on anything. Wrapping myself in my towels, I tuck the baggie into the top of my towel in between my boobs to conceal it as I leave the bathroom. God, these towels are so soft and nice. How'd I never notice how incredible they are before?

Christian lounges on our bed as I leave the bathroom. Nodding to him, I give him a small smile, "Sorry for being pissy before."

"It's all good," he comments, still scrolling on his phone. "Are you going to be okay with me reporting to Spring Training in two days?"

Two days? "I mean, yeah," I shrug, "It is your job."

"I know," Christian comments a little sullen, "I'm just worried about you."

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