Slow Burn.

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"Old soul, waiting my turn, I know a few things, but I still got a lot to learn. So I'm alright with a slow burn."

"Well this is cute," I comment glancing around the room here in Des Moines, our first stop. It's a nice hotel suite, more or less a two-bedroom apartment if we're being completely honest. It's definitely nice for us to have that space for tonight. After all, we are stuck in a car with each other for another twenty-something hours before we get to Malibu I guess. There's a nice little living room complete with a fireplace and a full kitchen right there. It's actually kinda perfect. "Honestly kinda perfect actually. The only thing that could really make it better was if I wasn't pregnant right now and could curl up by that fireplace and have a glass of wine."

Christian laughs, "Yeah?"

"That's like one of the more annoying parts," I comment looking at him after leaving my bag by the side of the kitchen Island, "Not being able to just hang out and have a glass or two to chill out after work or something. Obviously, it's like a non-issue it's just annoying having to be conscious of like everything." Christian nods with a small smile. "Like this place even has a hot tub and I can't use it," I comment with a laugh looking out to the small porch out the back patio.

"Yeah, there's definitely a lot of rules aren't there? Like no deli meat, sushi, cookie dough, it's worse than when I'm on my in-season diet."

"Yeah, it's crazy," I comment, "It'll be worth it once she's here though," I run my hand down my belly and smile a little as I look where she's growing. We're at about twenty-five weeks now, only fifteen more to go. By the end of this trip, there's only going to be a little more than twelve weeks left for her to keep cooking. "It's crazy that we're only like fifteen weeks away from when she's here."

Christian shakes his head a little with a smile, "I know, I swear time has been moving too fast and incredibly slow at the exact same time." I nod agreeing with him, "What do you wanna do now?"

Shrugging slightly I look back to him, "I don't know. Watch a movie? Hang out? I'm kinda tired but I always am apparently so whatever's fine with me."

"We can kick the fireplace on and get a movie going," Christian says pulling his stuff in and leaving it out of the way as he crouches by the brick fireplace and looks at the instructions taped to the wall as to how to work it. I take the chance to go over to the couch and layout as I watch him figure it out. It only takes him a minute or two to get it going before he stands back up again admiring his work a second before looking back at me and giving me that stupid smile.

"Stop smiling at me like that," I tell him unable to help myself from smiling back laughing a little, "You already got me knocked up what more do you want from me?"

Christian laughs, "What do you mean stop smiling at you like that, how am I smiling at you?"

"I don't know," I tell him, "With that dumb smile that makes it seem like you're excited to see me or something."

"Maybe I am excited to see you," he comments raising his eyebrows a little with a small almost sassy head shake making me laugh some more. "Contrary to what you might think Ashtyn I do actually like being around you and getting to know and spend time with you."

Shaking my head I give him a half-smile as I just shake my head, "You know what Christian, not mentioning all the shit you pulled at the start of this whole thing, you're not too bad to be around yourself."

"Not mentioning and then mentions it," Christian calls me out making me laugh again, "I'm not living that down am I?"

"No, probably not for a while, no," I reply giving him a cheeky grin making him laugh now. "Why do you think you should be able to live it down?"

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