Play House.

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"I didn't plan it, but that's life, and I'm finally feeling alive. It's not right, but it's mine and its finally something to feel."

"Hey," I say coming into Alex and my apartment and finding Natalia over as well. 

"I got you something," Natalia says holding out a little yellow bag from where she's sitting on our couch. God only knows what this could possibly be. Squinting at her slightly I take the bag with a little apprehension, "Just open it." 

Taking the tissue paper out of the bag and letting it fall to the floor I can't help but laugh at seeing the tiny onesie before I even pull it out and read, 'My mom is single and hot!' good lord. Laughing I shake my head, "Thanks, I kinda hate it but definitely appreciate the thought." 

"It's the better of the two," Natalia tells me making me even more confused, there's only one in the bag, "Alex got you one too." 

"Oh god," I say shaking my head, "Where is that asshole?" 

"Arguing with Morgan in his room," Natalia laughs, "I made him go in there maybe five minutes into it."

"Probably smart on your end," I reply, "What's the move tonight then since now my ass really can't drink?" 

Natalia shrugs, "We can force Alex into a Twilight marathon. You're pregnant you get what you want for the next what sevenish months." 

I snort, "I'm not sure that's how that one works, I won't complain though if y'all choose to honor that." Alex flings his door open incredibly aggressively as he storms out absolutely fuming.

"Would you stop flinging our doors around? We're going to lose our security deposit one of these times," I scold him annoyed already at whatever drama Morgan has created. 

"Oh hey, welcome home, would you like to actually hook up with me so Morgan can actually be right so there's a reason for her being an insufferable bitch?" Alex says very aggressively taking out a water bottle. 

"I mean I can't get pregnant so why not," I say completely joking getting a laugh from Natalia as Alex chokes on his water not expecting that to be my answer. 

"Well didn't expect that, but here," He says pulling over the bag I hadn't noticed on the counter before tossing it to me. Catching it I pull the tissue paper out of it and scoff shaking my head pulling out what I can only assume to be a Yelich jersey. 

"Remember when I asked if I could kill him?" I ask Natalia, "Would now be a good time to mention that Christian basically told me to fuck off by leaving a note at my office yesterday?" 

"Holy shit," Alex says, "Seriously? Damn now I actually feel bad about that. Look at the other one it's better." Shaking my head I pull the second one out and see the little seahorse on it first before reading 'My mommy is my daddy.'

"Both of you suck," I say laughing as I shake my head, "Nice gesture but terrible, terrible, onesies. Yeah, I got into the office yesterday and Keri handed me an envelope and there it says, 'Do whatever the hell you want, leave me out of it.'" 

"What a fucking tool," Natalia scoffs shaking her head, "God that's terrible couldn't even fucking talk to you in person about it. Ugh, that's actually so disgusting." 

I just shrug, "I did kinda give him a cop-out but I'd have rather him taken that and had that conversation with me rather than just leaving that note," and that stupid fucking check. "Like take the cop-out you don't have to be a dick about it." 

"For real," Alex says shaking his head, "Looks like I'm officially the dad now." 

"God as long as you've got Morgan in the picture I'll pass, she'd probably pull a Cinderella or something," Natalia laughs at my dig as Alex just shakes his head. "I do appreciate the sentiment of it though and I'm sure you'll get to live out that role as much as you'd like to once the thing is here. I'm not about to ask you to though, I gave the real dad a cop-out it's not really fair to ask you to play house." 

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