Farewell (Ayanokoji Kiyotaka)

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"Looks like I won."

I said to the man who was standing in front of me. I had succeeded in surviving for three years in this school. 

"You managed to survive for three years here. And what do you plan to do now?"

Even after all these years, his way of speaking and tone hadn't changed at all. The sharp gleam in his eyes was clearly visible.

"I will be returning to the White Room."

"So, can I take it as your rebellious phase being over?"

I said nothing.

My fate was set in stone. I only enrolled in this school so that I could learn what freedom was. I wanted to learn about the world that this man deemed worthless and turned his back on. After spending three years here, I had planned to return to the White Room.

The man said nothing and made his way to the long black car that was waiting outside the fence.

I glanced over my shoulder and looked behind. All of them were looking at me with dumbfounded expressions on their face.

Horikita, Ichinose, Hiyori, Ryuen, members of Ayanokoji group, and the rest of the students were all confused and looking at me, not knowing what was happening.

They would remember this bizarre event that took place during their graduation ceremony for the rest of their lives.

The only one who understood the situation, Sakayanagi was watching me with a smile on her face. 

I turned around slightly and caught a glimpse of her.

Kei, was crying. She was trying to run to me but the school guards held her by her arms.

She was crying and calling out my name.

For a moment, I decided to go and bid her farewell and talk to her one last time. But if I went to her and tried to do so, it will make parting even more painful for her. So, I decided to head towards the car.

I thought back to the three years that I had spent here. I certainly enjoyed my stay. What made it memorable was Kei. She had been an integral part of my life here.

Because of Kei, I think, I have, somewhat, come to understand what feelings and human emotions are. I think I have come to understand what love is, albeit a tad little. 

When I reached the car, a man clad in a black suit opened the door for me.

Just before I went inside the car, I looked over at Kei. 

She was still crying. 

I certain feeling seeped into my heart. Is this what being sad feels like? If it was, then it was all thanks to Kei. She is the reason why I could have these little feelings like any normal human.

I was thankful to her. 

My eyes met her.

A smile escaped from my lips without me realizing it.

When she took my gaze, she must have understood what I wanted to say as her face scrunched up and more tears came out.

".....Thank you, Kei."

My thoughts were conveyed to her just by simple eye contact.

From one corner of my eyes, I spotted elder Horikita. He must have come here to pick his sister. Upon seeing me he had a questioning look on his face. But without saying anything to him, I went inside and the man in the black suit closed the door.

Shortly after, the car started moving.

My three years here have been fun. 

Now, I was returning to the same mundane lifestyle that I had left behind three years ago. 

But I will never forget these years I have spent here. I will be holding the memories of my precious life here and the person I held dear.

I remembered what I had thought when I had held her in my arms for the first time. I had asked a question to myself. 

"Would she be someone irreplaceable for me?"

I finally got the answer to my question from that time.

The answer was 'Yes'.

But I knew that we would never meet again.

So, I hope that she would move on. 

I hope she will find someone whom she could love and who loved her the same, not someone who used her for his benefit, like me. I hope she would live a happy life with her own family someday.


But I had one wish. It might be the first time I had wished for something.

It was just a small wish.

I wished that she won't forget me, in the same way, I won't forget her for the rest of my life. 


This SS talks about the situation after the graduation ceremony(which is still far-fetched though).

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