Just don't leave me (Karuizawa Kei)

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I threw a pillow at him with all the force I could muster.

"Just calm down first, will you?"

He caught the pillow easily and spoke with his usual calm tone.

"How can I stay calm? You always do this, don't you? You never tell me anything. Never, ever! You didn't tell me anything about the White Room, not about your father trying to expel you from the start, not about Chairman Tsukishiro, not about the exam for the first years and the twenty million points bounty on you, and also not about a student from the White Room trying to expel you! Or rather the student trying to kill you would be more accurate, right?"

It had been about six months since we had started dating and it was by no means a small amount of time. It was enough for him to tell me about himself. I didn't want him to tell me everything about his past, or of the sorts. I just wanted him to share the things concerning him in this school with me. But he didn't do that. He never told me anything and just did whatever he wanted.

"It was so that yo-"

"It was so that you could keep me safe from the danger. I know that. I know that, damn it!"

Of course, I knew that. Whatever he was involved in was dangerous and he must have kept the truth from me so that I won't be roped in. And that is what makes me angry.

"How lovely of you. You hid the truth from your girlfriend so that you could keep her away from danger. But that is just what you want. Have you ever thought about what I want? No, you have never! You didn't even care to ask about it to me. Whatever you are doing is selfish of you! Tell me about your problems! Rely on me! I! AM! YOUR! DAMN!! GIRLFRIEND!!!"

I screamed over the top of my lungs.

"You will never ask me what I want. But let me tell you. What I want is for you to share your problems with me, for you to share your burden! You probably think that I won't be able to handle it, right? It doesn't matter. I know that I am not competent but I can ease you or share your burdens at least a little, can't I?! That is my privilege as your girlfriend! Sharing your happiness, sharing your sorrow, sharing your burdens, and supporting each other is what means being in a relationship. But you, you always do everything on your own and don't even let me know. Oh, sorry, I forgot completely that you don't know what love is. Please forgive my rudeness!"

Words were flowing out of my mouth one after another. I don't remember the contents but I have definitely said something that would hurt him. But he just stood there without saying anything, not bothered in the slightest.

"Just get out of my sight right now!"

I threw another pillow at him and this time he neither caught it nor dodged and let it hit him square on the face. He picked up the pillow, put it beside my bed, and went out of the room.

I wasn't facing him back then but I clearly heard the door behind me open and close gently. The night was silent and a cold wind blew from the balcony to my room.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Without giving it any thought I stormed out of my room and headed downwards. I ran with all my might and I caught the sight of his back in the lobby.


He turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong? Yeah, what is wrong? Why had I run all the way here from my room? I didn't know. My feet just ordered me to run and I did so. But I had to say something.


I took off the bangles that he had gifted me on my birthday and presented them to him.

"I just wanted to return it to you."

He spoke nothing and took it from my hands.

"You can go now."

He turned around and started to leave without telling anything.


I sprinted forward towards him and collided with him.


We tumbled together. And now he was on the floor and I was on top of him. The bangle I had given to him rolled a few times before hitting the wall.

"Why are going?"

"But you just said that I can go."

"Don't just go ahead and do everything I say, you idiot!"

"What the hell is up with you?! Why are you being so obedient today?! Usually, it was you who asked me to do things for you and I carried them obediently. If you suddenly reverse the roles, it would make no sense! And you just were about to go just because I said so? What would happen to me if you were gone if you were to sever all bonds with me? I would be as good as dead! It is okay if you don't love but please don't just leave me! Okay, you can use me. Yeah, just like before we started dating. I have no problems with that. Just let me be with you! Don't ever leave me!"

Tears started flowing out. I started weeping like a little child.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"I had no intention of leaving you."

At that more tears started pouring but this time they were the tears of relief and happiness. Still crying, I started speaking.

"Sorry for telling you to get out!"


"Sorry for yelling at you and saying rude things to you!"


"Sorry for being such a pain to you!"


"Promise me you will never ever leave me!"


"Promise me you will tell me about every sort of thing from now on."


"Promise me you won't lie or hide things from me."


"And also....."

"There is still more left?"

"I have one last thing to say to you."

And it was something I definitely had to tell him, no matter what.

"I love you, Kiyotaka!"


There was a slight pause before his answer this time. He tightened his arms around me and hugged me even more strongly before answering.


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