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Setting: Christmas Break during the second year of their high school Ryuuen was called to meet early in the morning by Ayanokoji.


"I feel like something like this has happened before."

"Yeah. I feel the same."

The two sat on either side of the bench. On one end was Ryuuen Kakeru and on the other was Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

"So, what business did someone like ya' had with me? And, you bastard even had the nerve of calling me out so early in the morning."

"This was for the best. After all, I don't want to garner much attention."

"Kuku. Thinking just about your own convenience, huh? Since I am weak, I guess I have no choice but to comply."

Or so he said with a smile on his face.

"It's getting cold out here so make it fast, 'kay?"

 Snow had piled up around and it was still falling gently, covering the whole world in a white cloth.

"I want the two of us to partner."

Upon hearing that, the smile that Ryuuen had had all this time disappeared and with a somewhat serious look on his face he turned towards Ayanokoji.

"Oye, I am not in a mood for such a joke so early in the morning."

"Do I look like I am joking to you?"

Ayanokoji also turned towards him and the two of them stared at each other.

"Although I say partner, it doesn't mean that we would be teaming up together during the special exams. We will still be each other's enemy. This has nothing to do with class points or of the sorts."

"Even if you are serious, I don't see any reason so as to why I should agree with that."

"You won't agree no matter what?"

"Kuku. It depends upon what you would offer."

Saying that Ryuuen crossed his legs like some kind of monarch. 

"Why are you assuming that I would offer you something in return for agreeing with me?"

"Hah! Are you tryna play dumb here? You know me well and there is no way you are gonna call me out to propose something like that without something up your sleeve."

Ryuuen had managed to guess that he had something that would make him agree to this offer. Otherwise, he wouldn't have called out to him in the first place.

"If you agree on partnering up with me, then I would help with what you are trying to do."

That took Ryuuen by surprise.

"What do you mean by what I'm tryna do?"

He leaned forward and asked that question.

"You are collecting money so that everyone from your class can have enough private points to ascend to Class A. Although you did manage to fool everyone that you had already given up on that strategy, you can't possibly fool me."

He stated it as matter-of-factly. As if it was something so obvious.

"And I also know what exactly you are planning to do for that end. And I will help you with that."

"Heh. You said you know what I am doing to accumulate points? And you want me to believe ya'?"

"Of course I know. I knew just what kind of man you were the moment I learned that you were using zero-point strategy back on our very first special test. So, I know that you are trying to make use of that, right?"

Upon hearing him say that, Ryuuen's lips curled up to form a grin.

"You never fail to amaze me, eh, Ayanokoji."

"So, what will it be?"

For a while, a heavy silence settled in between them.

"I am on board with your proposal. But lemme add just one condition to that?"

Ayanokoji didn't speak anything but gestured with his eyes for him to continue.

"Fight me with everything you have got on the last exam during our third-year."

Ayanokoji had to look at him for a good while to check whether he was serious or not.

"Are you really sure that's what you want?"

"Kuku. Still underestimating me, are ya'? But don't ya' worry, I would crush you completely at that time."

"If that is what you want, I have no complaints."

"Then we have a deal, right?"

Ayanokoji asked when Ryuuen was getting up from the bench.

He patted the snow that had accumulated till this point and started making his way towards the dorms.

"Later, partner."

Saying that Ryuuen waved his hands and went to the dorms. This confirmed that he had agreed to his proposal.

He was now there alone and a lot of snow had accumulated over his shoulders.

Looking up at the tranquil sky, Ayanokoji muttered to himself: "Sakayanagi and Ryuuen both at the same time, huh? Guess this would make things interesting for the final year of my high school life. Are they planning to send me off with a blast?"

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