True Monster

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The White Room Student:

I aimed for his head and hit with everything I got. But, he stopped the attack.

He wasn't even looking in my direction. But, he had monstrous instincts which made him able to sense my attack and react monstrously fast.

The contact between his hands and my leg sent dust flying. I quickly distanced myself from him.

I then charged at him.

I alternated my right and my left legs attacking him from both sides and even threw pinches at him.

But, he managed to block every attack of mine.

I expected nothing less from the person who was considered the best among the best, even inside the White Room.

I decided to up my antenna a bit.

I raised my knee in a chamber position and hit him.

I did so because this chamber was identical to many other kicks and he won't be able to guess which kick it would be, given the speed I was executing it.

But he steered it with a very little force using his hand and pushed my foot to his left and then he countered me with a strong kick on my thighs.


Damn, it hurt. 

I had thought that it would guarantee me a sure hit. How the hell did he manage to defend against this? No matter how I tried to attack, he had managed to parry every one of them.

Does that mean I am weak than him?

No, I wasn't. No, I shouldn't be.

I have to prove that I am the best not him. I would prove that I am the best even if I have to kill him.

I distanced myself from him and charged at him more fiercely and with more precise blows.

He continued to block each of my attacks.

I felt something welling up inside me from deep within. It was 'hate'. And not just an ordinary feeling of hate but hate that made me want to kill the person before.

I punched him and I kicked him. 

Now, I couldn't contain myself from screaming. I was desperate.

"Why, you!"

"You are just one of the students in the White Room! Why the hell do these bunch of idiots think you are special?!"

I remembered people calling him a God and some even worshipped him.

"God! Don't make me laugh!"

I delivered another kick which he blocked with his left hand.

The White Room was established with the goal of mass-producing geniuses.

If this person, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, was made the role model, then what would happen to me? Will I be thrown just like the rest? No way. All that study and training that I went through would be all for naught? 

"Like I would ever let that happen!"

I threw a punch at his face.


He caught my punch with his left hand and.......................

He punched me straight on my face and blood gushed out from my nose.

Without giving me any moment to counter, he spun around, using the momentum of the punch, and landed a kick with the back of his heel on my neck.


I collapsed on the ground.

It was getting dimmer and my consciousness was fading.

Damn it. Will I never be able to beat him?

"If only you hadn't let your...................."

Before my consciousness completely faded away, I felt like he said something to me.


Ayanokoji Kiyotaka:

"If only you hadn't let your emotions get better of you."

He was now in the ground, collapsed.

His kicks were powerful and blocking them all made my arms go numb.

Yeah. He really was strong. I have fought many students and other professionals before in the White Room, but he was stronger than all of them.

He had truly worked hard and honed his skills to the utmost perfection. He might have been able to beat me.

But, he couldn't.

I knew he would never be able to beat me.


Because he let his emotions get better of him.

I don't know what had happened, but it seemed like he loathed me. 

That feeling of hatred was the reason why he lost to me. If he hadn't let his emotions get to him and fought me like he fought any other student inside the White Room, he might have had a chance. But, he couldn't and lost.

This might sound like I am boasting, but I am the best in the White Room.

This student, who was now in the ground before me; his skills were almost on par with me.

But, I managed to win.

Because I felt no emotions. That was the only reason.

The only thing that separated me from the rest of the White Room students, was the lack of emotions.

Even though they were raised in such a controlled environment like White Room, the students had emotions lingering around. It was instinctual. Nobody needed to teach someone regarding emotions. It was something that all humans felt, instinctually.

But, I lacked that exact instinct. I felt no emotions. Nor pain, nor hate, and definitely not love.

That's what separates me from the rest.

Emotions are something that is regarded as a sign of being human.

So, someone like me, who didn't felt any emotions, was without a doubt, not a human.

So, what was I?

A monster.

Normal people would without a doubt consider the students from the White Room a monster.

Meeting with this student from the White Room, who is considered a monster, made me realize that I was much more of a monster than them.

I was a monster in a literal sense. Yes, I was a true monster.

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