Karuizawa Kei SS - A Supposed First Kiss IF

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As we burned through the topics, the conversation between us gradually decreased.

We were running out of things to talk about, and the amount of silence gradually increased.

It was obvious that the mood in the room had changed from what it had been previously.

But this mood, I don't dislike it. Because I began to feel something...

No. I can somehow imagine that he's starting to feel the same thing too.

I want to touch him. Not just with the hands, but I want to touch the parts of his that I normally couldn't. Like his arms, his chest, his back, his...

Suddenly, I caught Kiyotaka's gaze on me. It was so straightforward and innocent that it made me want to question what he was thinking right now.

But I didn't need an answer.  Our eyes that were looking at each other communicated what we were feeling.

However, the cute little me was feeling embarrassed. There were a few times I tried to avert my gaze away from him, yet in the process, I couldn't.

That's because I understood at that moment that this was one of those once-in-a-lifetime chances. Since our relationship is kept hidden, we can't normally interact in any kind of way similar to this. So of course, I mustn't decline whatever his intentions are.

And it's the same for me. I hope he wouldn't mind accepting my desires and intentions for him.

After staring at Kiyotaka for a while, I resigned myself and gave up on my escape.

I could feel that my body was leaning forward even though I wasn't instructing it.

My heart pounded and pummeled me the next second. But surprisingly, I didn't mind. All of my senses were starting to fade away and there was only one thing that I wanted to reach.

With this warmth and this fleeting atmosphere, I was completely aroused and slowly closed my eyes as our bodies leaned closer to each other to the point where I could feel his breath.

From his mouth came the scent of bittersweet coffee that I had utmost prepared for him.

In just a mere second, our lips would touch.



Soft... and warmth.

Those were the first impressions I had when my lips first touched his.

I thought it would be cold, but it was super warm to the point where I would want to just melt away.

My entire body had turned numb, but despite that, I kept my eyes closed and just let this moment last for a few seconds longer.

We were kissing. Kiyotaka and I... we were experiencing our first kiss.

How can I say it, it tastes like... coffee? No, coffee isn't this sweet. Well, maybe that's the case when there's more sugar than it weighed.

Ah, I see. So that's how it is.

I guess I messed up his drink. But it was my first try though, so I'll just take this as a lesson and learn from now on. Who knows I would be doing something like that once in a while?

After that brief kiss, Kiyotaka made the first move to pull away slowly. I did the same after a split second he did.

I slowly opened my eyes and his face came into close view. It was so close that I had to avert my gaze downwards and feel embarrassed.

"I see. So that's what a kiss is like."

Now I was super embarrassed by the fact that Kiyotaka mentioned what we had just done. And on top of that, he remained calm and composed, unlike me.


"W-what is it, Kiyotaka?"

Calling me by my first name tactic?! I looked back at him.

He stared at me for a while before finally making some decent distance between us.

"This was your first kiss, am I right?"

"O-of course it was!"

I didn't expect he'd ask me that question so I ended up yelling at him.

"I see. I thought you already experienced something like this with Yousuke."

"Huh? Why do you think that?"

"I don't know. Perhaps, there was a situation where you had to?"

Ah, I see. I get where he's going with this. He probably meant where Yousuke-kun and I had to kiss because, well, we were a couple, and to convince people, we would have to show that we can do something like that.

"N-no... we didn't. Our relationship was not real at all, so there was no need to go that far."

Yes, of course we were dating and there were times we had spend alone, basically to show to others that we were dating. But never once, did the thought of kissing occurred to me. After all, it is something that you do only with someone you actually love. For example, Kiyotaka.

I looked back at my 'real' boyfriend.



There was no need for me to call his name since he was already looking at me, but I just really had to.

"C-can you... kiss me again?"


Without a second to waste and hesitate, Kiyotaka immediately went to grant my request.

"W-wait!! Let me prepare myself first!"

I stopped him and did one heavy sigh. After that, I made a small resolve.

"Okay, I'm ready."

With that, Kiyotaka gently placed his lips into mine as we closed our eyes.

This was the second kiss I was getting from him. It doesn't feel confusing like the first one, but instead, it feels like I can feel my body is on fire.

Then again, it still tasted sweet.


I somehow let out a soft chuckle a few seconds after we parted. The taste of Kiyotaka's lips still remained in mine. It wasn't bittersweet anymore, but sweet-sweet coffee.



I called his name again. But this time, I had a different request in mind.

"Can I rest my head on your chest?"

So specific.

But just like before, Kiyotaka humbly accepted what I had asked and opened his arms wide, welcoming me.

I immediately snuggled up to him and he coiled his arms around me just as I had placed my ear next to his heart.

Ah~ Kiyotaka's heartbeat~ I could hear it racing~

For all this time, I viewed Kiyotaka as someone who can't feel emotions at all, but his heart was telling me otherwise. It was thumping so loud that I had a hard time believing that this belonged to the love-dead boy I loved.


"Yes, Kiyotaka?"

"Want to spend the night here?


I simply answered while I let myself doze in his warm embrace. Although his words were kind of surprising, I never ever considered of denying it. In response, I gently nodded my head.


This SS is not written by me. Actually, I received a personal message on Wattpad from someone that s/he had written one SS and wanted it to be part of my SS collections. I accepted it and put his/her SS here with only slight grammatical corrections. It is pretty good, isn't it?

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