I will prove it to the world

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From Ayanokoji's Fathers POV

I still remember how I felt back then.

Surrounded by people, who were far more genius than me, I was made fun of.

But let me tell you that I wasn't intimidated in the least. And why should I? Just because they are a bit talented than me? No, I can never imagine doing something of the sort, never in a million years. 

Yes, I believe that there is a difference between people. Although we are the same when born, the difference is created eventually. And that difference is created by what a person learns in other words education.

There may be people who might be extremely talented and gifted from their birth. They might learn fast in comparison to other people around them. But that's all. It's not something to be that proud of. And also, it's not something to be sad about if you are not as talented as others around you. After all, it is not absolute.

Yes, although s/he may be talented and learn fast and they may create a gap between themselves and the others but it isn't something unreachable. Enough hard work can close any gap or any lead that those may have at the first. I am someone who believes that. There were many who were said to be more talented than me but I have proved myself and beaten them with my hard work.

But, here I was being made fun of because of that exact notion. I didn't feel intimidated in the least. I felt enraged. And when the girl I liked also joined in making fun of me, something sparked in me.

I felt an urge that I needed to do something. I felt the need to prove to those who laughed at my notion, to that girl, and to the world, that geniuses were not only born, they could also be crafted, if put in enough effort. And that was when the idea of starting the White Room occurred to me at first.

It wasn't easy of course. No one believed in me, at first. But I didn't give up and finally managed to establish and run the facility of my dreams.

In the very first batch, the White Room had managed to produce excellent students. They excelled in both sports and academics and were leagues above the students from other schools. 

But I wasn't satisfied. I wanted a student far better than them.

So, the 2nd and the 3rd batch were also made to undergo the curriculum devised exclusively for the White Room. They were exceptional but still not enough.

During all these times, no one except the faculty members was allowed to enter. However, I had made one exception. I had given special permission to Sakayanagi only. He was a genius. He was very talented from his birth and had also shown exceptional skills. But although he was from the group of geniuses, he admired and respected what I had been trying to achieve. He was an honest man as well.

So, I had allowed him to visit occasionally. He was already married and he even had a daughter that resembled her and she was a bit impaired. Sakayanagi was married to the very girl I had feelings for but I didn't have any ill feelings for him. I honestly didn't care. But I could see that her daughter had the same air around her as she did.

I was getting impatient. I wanted to have a student, a masterpiece who could lead the White Room, who could be set as an example.

Driven by my impatience, I decided to lead the 4th Generation students myself. The curriculum for the 4th Generation was very tough and many students dropped out. But one student managed to pass every test, with ease, leaving behind a legacy of his own.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Nothing made me happier than seeing my own blood exhibit a talent of that level. I started seeing hope in that boy.

But that hope, which I had worked years for, crumbled when I heard that Kiyotaka had escaped from the White Room.

He had enrolled in Advanced Nurturing High School. Matsuo did actually manage to make him escape successfully and not to mention to a place that I couldn't act carelessly.

But I wouldn't give up easily. I will bring him back. I will bring him back to the White Room at any cost even if I have to crush hundreds or thousands. 

Because I need to prove to the whole world what I believed in. And to that end, I will do anything.

So, don't worry Kiyotaka. No matter how much you struggle, I will definitely bring you back.

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