Surely (Shiina Hiyori)

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Ayanokoji-kun is a very rare and weird existence, but I don't mean it in a bad way.

At first, he seems like your average run-of-the-mill student. But upon a closer look and deeper analysis, you would know that that is not the case. He is actually a really amazing person.

I hadn't realized it at first since he didn't stand out much. But after Ryuuen-kun was set on finding this mysterious mastermind of Class D, I started looking into a lot of students, and among them was Ayanokoji-kun. He didn't strike me as an extraordinary figure at first. But I managed to get along with him well. It was because we both liked reading books.

Books were what brought us together at first. I haven't found anyone who was interested in reading books like me so it was like finding a friend on a path to hell, completely unexpected. 

I spent quite some time with him reading books and I recommended him many books to read as well. And most importantly, he had similar tastes in books! I was more than happy.

Slowly and slowly, after spending some time with him, I started having some suspicions about him.

The way he talked, the way he acted, it was as if he knew everything and acted accordingly. He was way too mature to be a high school student. 

He always had that calm look in his eyes, which was like a deep mysterious ocean, drawing me deeper and deeper and tempting me to explore more and more. Whenever I looked at his eyes, I felt calm and tranquil. It was almost as if time had stopped and wanted me to savor the taste of the tranquility and serenity he possessed. 

Slowly and slowly, I came to understand how amazing he was. He actually even confessed that he was the mastermind of Class D, hiding in the shadows, although indirectly. I found it really amazing.

 And I also came to realize that he was quite good-looking. Okay, let's stop here. I would probably get embarrassed if I keep on thinking along those lines. 

He had immense abilities. And it requires more talent to hide one's talent and abilities. That just speaks of his monstrosity.

He was an enemy, someone who I had to fight against in the future. So, after knowing how dangerous he could be for our class, I should have been cautious of him, right?

I should have been but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to be wary or cautious of him. I had already started trusting him as a very good friend of mine so that thought never occurred to me.

Although I do consider him as a friend, I honestly don't know what he thinks of me.

If he did consider me a friend, then he would surely talk with me and share his problems with me. But Ayanokoji-kun never talked to me. I didn't mean that he is rude but I feel like I am still distant from him even though when I sit in such proximity with him. He still hasn't opened up to me. And it makes me a bit sad.

But I believe. Surely. Surely, there will come a day when he would open up to me and talk to me about a lot of things.

I had never felt this before and I had also never wanted this before but now I do. I want to have those pointless and useless conversations that friends have with each other.

Surely, a day will come when I would be able to walk side by side with him and enjoy every moment I spend with him.

Surely, a day will come when I would be able to walk side by side with him and enjoy every moment I spend with him

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If only I had known him earlier, I could have spent some more time with him. But what's gone is gone and there is still a lot of time left.

These three years would probably be over in an instant. 

After these three years end, I wonder where would I be and I wonder where would he be. We might be able to meet each other but there is a high possibility that we would never be able to meet after these three years.

And that is why I want to make a lot of memories. I want to make a lot of fun memories that I could look back and that would make my lips curl up just thinking and reliving these days.

And surely, even if I won't be able to see him again, I could look back and relive the moments, and surely I would cherish those times I spent with him. 

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