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"Thank you."

Handing me the cup of coffee that she had brought with her, Haruka sat down in a seat beside me. Currently, we two were the only ones in the Pallet. Airi had said that she had some work and so said Keisei. Akito had some business in the club. And that was why we were waiting for them.


After setting down her cup of coffee she called out to me in an unusually serious voice.

"You are dating Karuizawa-san aren't you?"

That question took me by surprise. 

I stared at Haruka and by the look in her eyes, I was sure that she had proof to back what she had just said now. I thought of immediately confessing but held on the slight chance that what she had to back her up could be just her suspicions. So, I decided to ask a question of my own.

"What makes you think so?"

"I knew that was coming. You always err on the side of caution, don't you?"

She knew that I would ask her for proof. Her intuition and insight were pretty troublesome, to be honest.

"I have caught Karuizawa-san go into your room countless times. Is that proof enough?"

 I know that Kei was always very cautious so as not to let anyone catch sight of her while coming to my room. She might have managed pretty decently but I can fully believe that she was caught if the other person was Haruka. I just know that she is a very sharp girl.

"My point here is not to make you confess about it. I already know that you two are dating. The problem is how to break it to her?"

I understood who she meant by her. 

"It would definitely prove to be difficult. But I know that I have to eventually tell her so I am preparing about how exactly I should go about it."

Although I am a novice when it comes to romance, I can still understand that her feelings for me weren't of mere affection. It would probably break her heart. But I can't think of any way to avoid this.

"Don't worry, Kiyopon. I will help you with that."

Perhaps sensing what I was thinking about, she spoke to assure me.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it!"

Saying that she slapped my shoulders. It hurt quite a bit.

Haruka was an intelligent girl. She had good intuition and insight. Maybe if I had found more about her at the start, I would have tried to manipulate her instead of Kei.

No, I would like to stop thinking along those lines. If I had done so, I wouldn't have managed to get a friend as good as her. In your high school life, friends you can laugh with and share your problems with are very important. And Haruka was a very important friend to me. 


Akito came and greeted us with a smile on his face. One by one Keisei and Airi came as well. And then began our usual chatters.

I really felt happy when I got to spend my time with them. One of the reasons that I could spend my life here enjoying every day was without a doubt, them. I wonder if I would have been able to enjoy myself so much with others. They really were special, at least for me. I was really glad to have friends like them.


Agh! My throat still hurts and my nose is still running. Damn corona is quite troublesome, isn't it? I was bedridden for three days. My whole body felt like it was on fire. But today, finally, I was able to stand on my legs. The fever has gone down a bit and I was finally able to hit the keyboard to write this SS. But it is still quite difficult to walk around for long and do other normal works. So I request you to please stay safe and practice safety measures.

Now, on to the main point. This is the 50th SS! What a long journey we have come through. 50 SSs, 87.5K views, and 5.4K votes! This is huge. And the reason that we have managed to reach here is because of the love and support you guys have been showing to this work. I am really really grateful to all the readers. The journey ahead is still very very long and I hope you will tag along in this journey!!

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