First Kiss-Initiative Y2V3

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Here you go @Saransh69, the SS you had requested! Hope you would enjoy reading it! And yeah, hope all of you reading this would enjoy it as well!!!




I leaned close to him and peered into his eyes.

"I heard that first-year girl back at the campsite has been traveling around with you, Kiyotaka."

"Word travels fast, it seems."

"When I asked Ike-kun, he told me immediately though? Wait, that's not the point here!"

What the hell is he making me say?!

He must know that if his girlfriend, that is me, were to find out that he was traveling with some other woman and not to mention alone, of course, I would be jealous. No, not that! Not jealous! I mean, worried yes, worried! But about what exactly? About Kiyotaka being snatched away from me? There is no way, right? It was as if I was asking that question to myself. 

He is a dense one when it comes to love. So, there is no way he would be able to discern things even if the other girl were to try to make moves. Even if she were to come out straight, I was sure that Kiyotaka will reject her. But it still worries me, okay!

He leaned in close and squeezed my hands in his, his warmth making its way all the way to my heart.

"Are you worried? That I'm spending all this time alone with another girl?"

Perhaps he sensed that I was being worried.

"Wait wait wait, w-what? I'm not, like, worried or a... Of course I'm worried!"

There was no point in denying it. If I don't say it outright he wouldn't get it. How troublesome! But I also like that part about my relationship with him.

"I'm just traveling together with Nanase in order to successfully get through the special exam. That's it."


I knew that he was telling the truth. But I had to ask him. Otherwise, it may seem like I am an easy girl who believes whatever his boyfriend says. 

"Yeah. It goes without saying that I have no other intentions with her."

Yeah. I know that. But for some reason, I couldn't still come to terms with the fact that my boyfriend is spending so much time alone with another girl when I, his girlfriend, didn't get to spend much time with him. I just couldn't stand it. Getting anxious over it is a privilege for me as his girlfriend.

"I believe you, but, but still like, when I think of you being alone with another girl... I hate it."

Because I was still anxious, I knew that I was pouting.


When he called me by my name, my heart skipped a bit. It was not just because he called me by my name. I was already used to it by now, of course only a little bit. But the reason why my heart skipped a bit this time was that I could sense something else from the way he called out to me.

I slowly turned around to look at him.

Without so much as a moment's notice, he suddenly leaned in close and pressed his lips on mine, smothering my pout away. But after just a second or so he pulled away.


A muddled noise leaked from my mouth. My brain was still trying to process what had happened just now.

"Wa? Huh? I, J-just now... a k-kiss? ...Eh? Eh!?"

Yeah, that was a kiss! A freaking kiss!! The taste of his lips was still lingering in my mouth. The damage was too much. I could feel my brain overheating due to the intense data that had been registered to my brain through his lips in a very, very short amount of time.

"Have faith in me and wait for now, okay?"

What he said just now wasn't being processed by my brain but I just absentmindedly nodded my head like a mechanical doll.

"The others may start to suspect something if we're gone too long. You should head back."

Saying that he left and I was still there under the tree, in a daze.

He just now kissed me. It was just for a moment but he kissed me.

Back then, when we were in his room, he had tried to kiss me but we were interrupted by Amasawa-san. So, I had thought that the next time I will take the initiative. But he beat me to the punch.

And what could I have done? There was no way for me to know that he would kiss so suddenly. 

Ah, mou!!!

A mixed emotion of happiness and frustration was surging through me.

"Next time, I will be the one to kiss you. Brace yourself, Kiyotaka!"

Immediately after that, I covered my mouth with my hand and looked around to see if anyone was around.

Oops. I said that loud. You have to be careful, Kei.

Warning myself, I got up and started heading towards the camp with a newfound determination of taking the initiative. 

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