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I snatched the drink from his hands and started sipping grumpily.

"What's wrong?"


Of course, he knew that I was lying, but he simply didn't ask why I was in a sour mood. He probably was thinking that it would be a pain in the ass to keep asking me. How dare you!

The reason that I was in a sour mood was him in the first place. And the part that he didn't realize it made me even angrier.

It was a date today. Yes, a date between me and Kiyotaka. I was so happy. After all, we missed out on many opportunities to go on a normal date like lovers because our relationship was a secret. But we had already revealed that fact a few weeks ago. It was really so much hassle when they came at me with so many questions. It was even worse for Kiyotaka.

But it has calmed down a little and we are now able to go out on dates like normal couples. But it was still our second date. So, there were still a lot many things that I had on my to-do list.

Today we first went to a gift shop and we bought a matching pair of bangles of silver color. We went to watch a movie together. Although I didn't watch the movie at all. After all, I was too engrossed in looking at his profile, which soothed the very core of my heart.

Then I went or rather dragged him to a female underwear shop. Soon we would be having summer vacation and I needed a new swimsuit for that. Kiyotaka had asked whether I should really go swimming, that would reveal my skin and that scar I had. But I had already grown past that and if it meant being together with him that was a trivial matter.

I passed the different sections and looked at different sorts of swimsuits carefully. 

After deliberating for quite a bit, I picked a bit bold one, if I say so myself. It was a red bikini with a strapless top, which accentuated on the thighs and chest region.

A certain idea occurred to me. I beckoned Kiyotaka over and showed him the bikini asking how he thought. 

He was feeling a bit awkward and that was natural. But his stoic face never changed. Even when he was shown the raunchy bikini that his girlfriend would be wearing, he showed no signs of bashfulness. And there I was, red to my ears by embarrassment. I was expecting him to show at least a bit of embarrassment. And the fact that he hadn't shown the response that I wanted was why I was currently angry.

But I was still not satisfied. I always felt a sort of competitiveness towards him. I wonder why but I always had the urge to make him show some kind of reaction which he normally didn't. And today I wanted him to be embarrassed. And I still hadn't given up on that yet.


Another great idea came to my mind. 

I slowly unlaced my heels and slid my now bare legs into his feet, under the table.

What are you doing?

I wonder what it might be.

He struggled to free his legs. When he was almost about to escape, I wound both my legs upon his.

He let out an awkward sigh. 

That isn't what I want. I want you to show your embarrassing side, Kiyotaka.

 It felt weirdly happy to be indulged in this under-the-table fight.


This time he let out a fed-up sigh.

He forcefully pulled out his legs and made his way towards me. Dragging his chair along he sat beside me.



My body immediately jolted. 

When did he learn to use such coercing and sweet language?!

He slowly reached out his hands and squeezed my hands in his. The warmth of his hands traveled from my hands to all other parts of my body. His warmth overwhelmed me.

This is bad! This is bad!! This is really, really bad!!!

My heart was beating like crazy.

Ah, he turned the tables on me again. 

But whatever. I am content as I get to enjoy his warmth.

Although I did lose, it didn't feel bad.

I rested my head on his shoulders and enjoyed his company.

The onlookers were chatting among themselves seeing us, but for me, all the noise seemed very very distant as I indulged myself in this blissful heavenly feeling.

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