A year without him

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"Nanase, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Yes, senpai?"

As I listened carefully he briefed me about what I had to do.

"That's all."

"Okay. Got it."



"Is something on your mind?"


I thought about saying no but lying to him is next to impossible. He had noticed that I had been thinking about something even though I was trying my best to act normal. So he would definitely see through my lie.

"There definitely is but it's not something that senpai should concern himself with."

Although I had something on my mind, I still didn't want to trouble him with my petty problems.

From next to me, I heard Ayanokoji-senpai exhale a sigh.

"Nanase, I know that it is something concerning me and that was why I asked."

I should have expected that from senpai.

He was looking at me expecting to say something but I couldn't bring myself to voice them out.

He turned to look toward the sky in front and spoke.

"Nanase. I have said it again and again but you should stay in this school not for my sake but for your own."

"!" I gasped when he said what was on my mind as if it was blatantly obvious.

"Don't you like it here?"

"N-No. I certainly like this school. Different from other schools, though it has some exams that are unreasonable from your normal high school's point of view, it is still fun. To work with your class and compete. It is all sorts of fun. But..."

I trailed off.

But the reason I came to this school was to expel the person sitting next to me.

I knew that I was wrong but I had wanted to vent my anger and frustration on someone and that was why I targeted him who wasn't at fault.

But even then, senpai didn't blame me and instead gave me a reason to stay in this school.

But after he is gone, I will lose that reason. 

After he is gone, he wouldn't need my support. 

Even in this school, he actually didn't need my support. He did so only to make me stay in this school and make me enjoy my school life. Ayanokoji-senpai is such a kind person.

If someone were to ask me whether I am enjoying my school life or not, the answer would be yes. But that was all because of Ayanokoji-senpai.

Seeing his brilliance and aiding him from the sidelines, made me feel like some kind of wingman supporting the main character on his quest to defeat the demon lord.

But after the demon lord is defeated then the wingman would have no role and he would be useless. He wouldn't be able to enjoy the journeys like he did when they were on a mission to defeat the demon lord. What would the wingman do now? He would definitely retire as a soldier and live the rest of his life somewhere in his homeland until he dies, right?

It was the same for me. Since my role as a wingman here would be over, it would be best for me to get expelled and go back.

Ayanokoji-senpai stood up from the bench and turned to look at me.

"Nanase. What if I told you that it would help me lessen my burdens if you were to stay in this school? Even after I am gone."

My lips curved slightly upwards.

There is no hiding anything from him, eh?

"The reason you came here was because of 'that man'. And no matter what you try to say, the reason 'that man' had to take such actions was undeniably because of me So, I was the main reason behind all that had happened."

I was about to object but he spoke before I had the chance to utter a single syllable.

"I know you wouldn't budge no matter what I say. So, I think this would be a better way to phrase it." He looked at me and continued, "If you were to get yourself expelled then it would trouble me. So I don't want you to do anything that would cause trouble for me. Got it?"

The smile I had widened and I felt my face get slightly hot. When he puts it that way then he knows I couldn't say no. That would be unacceptable of me. After all, I don't want to cause any more trouble for him than I already had.

"You really are kind, Ayanokoji-senpai."

"Well, I will be heading back. What about you?"

He ignored that compliment completely. 

"I will like to stay for a while."


I watched as his back disappeared in the dorms.

The sun was about to set and the sky was dyed in a shade of red.

Now I think that I will stay in this school. I can't say no when he puts it that way.


"A year without Ayanokoji-senpai, huh..."

I don't know what awaited me and what would happen but I was sure of one thing.

It wouldn't be as fun as when Ayanokoji-senpai was around...

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