Finally, found you, My Love

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Please read "It will lead me straight to you" before reading this. This SS tells the same story from Karuizawa's point of view. Hope y'all will enjoy it!!

"I'm sorry."

The answer came immediately after his confession.

There was no hesitation when I answered him.

I didn't even need to think once before turning down the confessions.

Including this, the number of boys I had turned down by now was in double digits.

I have turned down every single confession without a shred of hesitation.

And why?

Because there was already someone that my heart belonged to.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I met him during my three years of high school.

Our relationship was distorted. It was the relationship between a user and someone being used.

But that was what kept us together.

And I loved him nonetheless.

He was the reason my high school life was so precious and amazing for me.

My life had been fun because of him.

Most of the time, I didn't understand what we were doing but it was interesting. I felt like a heroine, aiding the hero from the sidelines.

In a sense, he really was the hero of my life.

He was the one who broke me free from the chains of the past that were pulling me down.

Because of him, today I'm able to keep my head high and be what I wanted to.

After turning down his confession, I made my way out of the office and started heading towards home.

"It has been seven years now, eh?"

It had been seven years that I had left that school.

No, it had been seven years since I hadn't met him.

I wonder where he is now?

I wonder what he is doing now?

There was not even a single day when I didn't think about him.

How couldn't I think of the person that I loved so much?

Every day, while wandering around the streets of Tokyo, I was searching.

I was searching for him.

I didn't even know if he was here or not but I was searching for him every day.

I was standing on the sidewalk waiting to cross the road when I saw him.

He was there, in a black car.

There was no mistaking that brown hair and those brown eyes that seemed to see through everything.

His eyes met mine.

A big truck passed by, blocking the view between us.

I dashed.

I ran through the streets thinking that he was looking for me as well.

No, I was sure he was looking for me.

I ran down the stairs and turned at the narrow alleyway.


There he was, standing at the other end of the alley.

I was right, that he would definitely look for me.

We stood there, just gazing at each other.

I had so many things that I wanted to ask him now.

Where were you all this time?

Why didn't you appear earlier?

Why did you take so long?

All those questions were gnawing at my heart.

But I didn't need to voice it out.

Because there was simply no need for me to say it aloud.

He must have already understood what I wanted to say.

Just mere eye contact was enough for us to understand each other's thoughts.

Now I was at my limits.

I couldn't wait any longer.

I sprinted towards him as fast as I could and latched onto him.


I screamed his name and tears started to flow simultaneously.

He wrapped his hands around me and I tightened my embrace.

His strong arms were embracing me right now.

I felt nostalgic.

I remembered how I had felt when he had held me in his strong arms for the first time.

I felt happy.

I had been searching for him for so long.

Every day, every moment I had been searching for him.

 I was really really happy that I got to meet him after so long.

Finally, I found you, My Love.

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