Unnecessary Feelings (Nanase Tsubasa)

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My jersey was stuck on a sharp branch.

I tried to pull it out but all in vain.

"Just stay still."

A calm and mature voice called out to me and I did as he said.

He pulled out my jersey from the branch.

"If you had kept on pulling, your jersey might have been torn."

"Thank you so much, Ayanokoji-senpai."

The one who had just helped me was, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I had requested him to allow me to tag along with him during this uninhabited island test.

Because it was one of the best chances I had to expel him from this school.

After expelling him from this school, I would move towards my next goal.

The next goal was what I was really after. Expelling him was only a stepping stone for me.

He continued forward and I followed him slightly behind.

We were now heading towards our next designated spot.

We two were walking together alone in this forest.

The creaking of the branches whenever we stepped on the branches were the only sound that I could hear.

For the first time, I was alone with a boy.

I had been alone with a boy for so long.

While I was thinking that, I felt my face getting hotter.

I somehow felt embarrassed.

I violently shook my head in order to stop thinking along those lines.

"What's wrong?"


I managed to somehow reply to him when he suddenly asked me that question.

He must have seen me shaking my head and probably must have been puzzled by my action.

I need to remain calm.

But I must say that he is a good person.

I had guessed that he must be an evil person just like his father.

But after spending so much time with him, I have come to realize that he wasn't a bad person.

He helped his friends without batting an eye.

Judging by how others acted around him, it seemed like he was trusted by his friends a lot.

My initial thoughts were proving to be wrong.

And there was my own evaluation as well.

Here we were, in this forest, just the two of us.

Any other boy must have tried to approach me or tried to keep talking to me in order to make a good impression.

But he had shown no signs of misconduct or anything of the sort.

Now when I think about it, he did stare at me when I was wearing a swimsuit for the beach flag event. 

Of course, he would stare if a girl was standing before him in such revealing clothes. He was a boy after all.

I was embarrassed as well. 

Because it was the first time I had shown someone so much of my skin.

I had spent a lot of time with him together.

He was a very good person.

He even accepted my request when I said him to accompany him.

I was sure that I had dragged him down a bit in this test, but he didn't seem to mind it much.

He always helped me, even without me asking for it.

I didn't mind spending time with him.

My original objective for enrolling in this school was to expel this person so I could achieve what I wanted.

But whenever I spent time with him like this, I tended to forget about that and just enjoy the moment.

I slowly raised my eyes a bit and looked at him.

He had a pretty good face and that cool and mature look on his face really suited him.


The scene of him raising his hand to block the heat and his face being lit by the sun looked as if it was taken right out from a picturebook.

It was mesmerizing.

"What's wrong?"

His voice made me snap out of those thoughts.

Thinking about what I was thinking about him just now, my heart started beating faster.


I managed to reply to him, albeit a bit clumsily.

My face was getting hotter by the moment.

He was someone that I had to expel from this school.

What the hell was I doing thinking about him in 'that' way?

"S-Senpai, I'm going to wash my face there."

I said pointing at the small river in front of us.


After that, I quickened my pace and went towards the river.

I had to wash these unnecessary feelings off me.

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