It will lead me straight to you

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The driver opened the door of the car.

I made my way inside and the driver elegantly closed the door.

Seated in the black car I started gazing outside.

Slowly after, the car started moving.

The streets of Tokyo have become fairly familiar to me now.

These past years I have traveled around a lot because of some works.

It has already been seven years since I had left " Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School".

After that, I had returned to the White Room and now I have replaced my father as the leader.

Those three years I had spent there were the only colorful moments in my black and white life.

I enjoyed these three years there.

Whenever I remembered about my life there, the image of a certain girl always flashed before my eyes.

Karuizawa Kei.

My life there was colorful, and what made it even more colorful was the presence of Karuizawa Kei, the rainbow in my colorless world.

She is the most precious memory of my life.

Of course, I didn't have feelings of 'love' when I had decided to confess to her.

Back then I was a monster without a heart.

But, spending time together with her made me realize the human heart, albeit a little.

She clearly was the angel who had tried to change a monster like me into a human.

Because of her, I think my heart has grown a little.

Yupp. Just a little.

While thinking that another thought crossed my mind.

From a very early age, I had been taught to act rationally and carefully.

I had been taught that I should make careful observations and take decisions carefully. There was no such thing as 'follow your heart' in the curriculum of my study.

Because of those learnings, I had always thought rationally and made careful observations before doing anything.

But what if I let my heart decide for me?

I still didn't know clearly what a human heart is. But I wanted to know.

I wanted to know what actions would I take if I follow my heart?

To what path will my 'heart' lead me?


My eyes suddenly widened when I saw 'her'.

I saw the very person I was thinking about a bit earlier, Karuizawa Kei.

There she was standing across the road, her waist-length blonde hair tied in a ponytail was fluttering elegantly in the air and those purple eyes were drawing me in.

Her eyes met mine.

"Stop the car!"


The driver was clearly confused when ordered him to stop the car in the middle of the road.

But I couldn't care less.

"I said stop the car!"

This time my voice was a bit forceful so he stopped the car immediately.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Hey. Move the car out of the way!"

People were shouting.

I ordered the driver to go on ahead without me.

He seemed like he was about to argue but when I spoke again in a forceful tone he had no choice but to do as I said.

I dashed through the streets looking for her. 

I was sure that she was also looking for me.

As I ran along the sloping road I questioned myself.

Why am I running? 

I didn't know the answer but my legs kept moving, searching for her.

I turned at a narrow alleyway and then suddenly stopped dead in my tracks.

She was standing there, with her hand in front of her chest.

She was clearly out of breath and panting heavily.

We both stood still gazing at each other.

Just by looking at each other's eyes, we could understand what the other was thinking.

I could understand various feelings and words that she was conveying through her gazes.

Suddenly, she started running as fast as she could and latched onto my arms.


She screamed my name and hugged me tightly.

I returned the hug upon which she held me even tighter.

Tears were overflowing from her eyes.

Something struck me at that moment.

When I saw her, I instinctively got off the car and ran through the streets to search for her.

I had always thought rationally and calculated everything before doing anything.

But this time was different.

Without even giving a thought about the situation, I had dashed through the streets just to search for her.

For the first time, I had taken action without thinking it through.

It was almost as if every cell in my body told me to search for her at any cost.

There was no rational thought process behind the action I had taken just now.

Is this what it feels like doing what your heart wants to?

Is this what people call following your heart?

Without realizing it, my lips had curled up a bit.

I think that I have found the answer to the question that I had been asking myself.

What will happen if I let my heart lead my way?

Holding her in my arms, embracing her, I muttered the answer to that question,

If I let my heart lead the way, it will lead me straight to you.


Thank you for reading this SS to the end!!!

I hadn't thought of doing SS in this scenario. I decided to do this SS when I found someone saying that s/he wanted a sort of time skip. And I thought that this was a good topic I could write an SS on.

So, what I'm trying to say is that you all can comment about the topics or scenarios on which you want the SS. And I will consider it and try my hardest to respond to your requests.

And thank you once again for reading and supporting my work!!

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