Which one is the real you? (Ichinose Honami)

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"I-I have something I have to tell to Ayanokoji, no matter what!"

I was panting heavily, my legs were about to give out. But I didn't give up. I forced my legs to move. I had to tell about this to Ayanokoji-kun, no matter what.

With that goal in mind, I propelled myself and ran, searching for Ayanokoji-kun.


When I saw what was in front of me, my legs stopped and I instinctively held my breath.

Right in front of me, Ayanokoji-kun was fighting someone. If I remember correctly, his opponent was a first-year student. And that first-year student was.............strong.

He was strong. His movements weren't of a normal high school student. His movements were like that of a trained killer.

But what shocked me the most was Ayanokoji-kun.

He was parrying his attacks with ease. And suddenly, that first-year student collapsed as Ayanokoji-kun kicked him square in the neck.

I wasn't even able to follow his movements.

I knew that Ayanokoji-kun was hiding his real strength. In the pool, when I saw his body, I knew he had good physical abilities. But, never had I expected, him to be stronger than what I had imagined. He was beyond human.

I tried to calm myself sucking large breaths and when I finally took in the surrounding, I again found myself holding my breath.

A female student, clad in the school jersey, was approaching Ayanokoji-kun, with her blue hair fluttering in the air. I think she's Kiryuin-senpai from the 3rd year.

She went towards him and they started talking about something.

There were several students sprawled on the ground. I think they all were from 3rd Year.

"Huh?! President Nagumo?!"

I couldn't help but scream. Among those who were knocked out in the ground, one of them was President Nagumo.

When I screamed, both Ayanokoji-kun and Kiryuin-senpai spotted me. Kiryuin-senpai narrowed her eyes and was about to take a step forward when Ayanokoji-kun stopped her.

She pulled back and instead Ayanokoji-kun was approaching me.

"Did you see all that?"

That was the first thing he asked to me.

I nodded to his question.

"Listen, Ichino-"

"I won't tell anyone about what I saw here."

I knew that what I saw here wasn't something I could tell to anyone. He didn't need to tell me.

"Thank you."

Looking relieved, he thanked me.

I again looked to where President Nagumo was.

I tried to piece together everything.

It was clear that President Nagumo and his team had been in a fight with Ayanokoji-kun and Kiryuin-senpai. I don't know what he would achieve by doing so. But.......

But what if Chairman Tsukishiro was the one who told President Nagumo to do this?!

It was completely plausible. He definitely had the power and authority to make President Nagumo do this.

But I don't think  Ayanokoji-kun knows the bigger picture.

He definitely didn't know that someone as the Chairman, himself was trying to expel him. I don't know why the Chairman needed to do this, but it wasn't important. What was important was Ayanokoji-kun was clearly his target and I would never allow him to expel Ayanokoji-kun.

I resolved myself and decided to tell Ayanokoji-kun what I knew.

"A-Ayanokoji-kun, I have something I need to tell you!"


"You know, Chairman Tsukish-"

I wasn't able to complete my words. I felt shivers run down my spine. The whole atmosphere felt chilly and heavy. I was almost suffocating there.

When I slightly raised my head and met his gaze, only one word came to mind; scary.

That was how I felt when I met his gaze, as sharp as a double-edged sword, threatening to slice the very core of my heart.

His eyes were scary. It possessed immense darkness that threatened to devour my very soul. Those commanding eyes weren't the eyes of the Ayanokoji-kun I knew.


His tone was cruel and cold.

I had no way of confirming that at the moment but I probably had fear in my eyes.

"Don't involve yourself in this."

I tried to escape his gaze, but he held my chin up and forced those eyes upon me.

I was even unable to move my body as if bound by a dark spell.

"Ichinose, it's in your best interest if you forget what you saw today. I don't know how or why you know about Tsukishiro, but it's better if you don't delve any deeper in this."

With every word he spoke, the image of the Ayanokoji-kun I knew was disappearing.

I remember his gentle and soothing tone. I remembered how he had comforted me when I was devastated. I remembered how he caressed my hair and ran his fingers on my trembling lips in his room. Every time when I was unsure of what to do, he was always there for me.

But seeing the same Ayanokoji-kun, right here in front, in a different light, I was disillusioned.

No. It's a lie, right? Is this really Ayanokoji-kun? 

"Oh my, oh my. Take it easy, Ayanokoji-kun."

I heard a voice along with the light tapping of a cane.

He freed me and I looked around.

Sakayanagi-san was approaching us with her usual smile.

She looked at me and spoke, "Ichinose-san, I told you didn't I, not to involve yourself in this matter."

She had told me not to get more involved in the matters concerning Chairman Tsukishiro and Ayanokoji-kun. But I wanted to protect him. I wanted him to tell that someone was trying to expel him.

"Ayanokoji-kun, let me handle this one. You should go and attend to other matters with, Kiryuin-senpai."

Ayanokoji-kun nodded and started heading towards Kiryuin-senpai.

By their interaction just now, it seemed like they knew each other and Ayanokoji-kun trusted her a fair bit.

As I watched his retreating back, a question lingered in my brain.

Tell me, Ayanokoji-kun, which one is the real you? 

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