Just who is he? (Horikita Suzune)

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"In the first year arc,Tsukishiro had mentioned that he would like to do a cultural festival (or sth. of the sort) in the school. So, this SS is based on the premise that cultural festival does happen and he manages to bring AyanoPapa as a guest."

I was in the food stall for Class D.

I was good at cooking. So, basically, was the one who took the role of managing the food stall.

But managing it all on my own would be difficult. So, I had to choose one person to aid me.

I chose Ayanokoji-kun. I had given him some tips for cooking when he had to cook once for Ichika and he was at the very least an average cook. So, I picked him.

Another reason was that he would listen and do whatever I told him without making a big fuss.

In the history of this school, it was the first time that an event such as "Cultural Festival" was being organized and people from outside the school were permitted to enter.

But there was less possibility that the information regarding the school system would be leaked to the public. It was because only people of high status and people having knowledge about this school were invited for today's event.

But I still had doubts. 

Why was this event happening? Every special test or exam that we had given till now had an objective.

So, what was the objective of this event? 

No matter how hard I thought I couldn't come up with an answer. I thought of asking Ayanokoji-kun. But I immediately eliminated that idea because I want to be able to do everything on my own if I want to be 'acknowledged' by him.

There was no point in dwelling about this any longer because there was another pressing issue at hand.

This event was also a chance to earn class points. 

At the end of the day, the total money we had earned through these sales would be divided by 100 and converted into class points and given to each class. Not to mention the class who placed first would be awarded a bonus of 100 class points.

There were downsides as well. The class which placed the last will have 100 class points deducted.

If I wanted to make it to Class A, getting first place and obtaining as many class points as possible through the sales and obtaining those 100 bonus points would be very crucial.

We were doing pretty well up until halfway.

Then another customer came to our stall.

"What would you like to have, sir?"

I asked.

The man said nothing. He just sat down at the seat in front of me and rested his chin in his hand.

When I looked at that man, a shiver ran down my spine.

The look in his eyes was, 'scary'.

It was as if his eyes were a blade, threatening to pierce through the very core of my heart. 

Moments passed but he spoke nothing.


When I followed the line of sight of that man and found what he was staring at, I was shocked.

Right now, he was staring at Ayanokoji-kun.

What surprised me the most was that Ayanokoji-kun was also looking at that man.

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