A dangerous battle

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"Karuizawa, you have been called to the principals' office. Come with me."

The tone in which Chabashira-sensei spoke made me a bit anxious and not to mention that I was being called to the principals' office. Did I do something? I don't remember having done anything that would earn me scolding from the principal himself. I knew I hadn't done anything. But just the fact that I was being called to the principals' office made me nervous.

I slowly got up from my seat and went out of the classroom. I silently followed her. During the whole trip, she didn't speak a single word to me. She didn't even look at me. This kinda made me even more nervous.

"I have brought her."

She knocked on the door twice before opening it. With her eyes, she beckoned me to enter as well. Trying to calm down myself, I entered the room.

"E-Excuse me."

What I saw when I entered completely shocked me. The principal wasn't on his chair but on the sofa meant for visitors. And for some reason, he was sweating buckets. 

"W-Well then."

The principal clumsily said that and left the room along with Chabashira-sensei.

Now I was left alone in the room.No, not exactly. There was someone seated on the chair in front of me, facing the other way. After the door behind me closed, the chair turned slowly and the terror that was seated there finally revealed itself.


When I saw the man, my body immediately froze up. My mind was screaming to run away from this man. The gleam in his eyes bore down on me, trying to slice my heart into two at moment's notice. My instincts were screaming that this man was dangerous.

With bated breath, I waited for him to speak.

"So you are Karuizawa Kei."

When he spoke, my body twitched in terror. His voice was heavy and gave off a feeling that he was an absolute dictator.


Straightening my back as much as I could, I replied, as if I was a low-ranked army officer in the presence of the Colonel.

"You are the one that he's been using."

He's been using? 

Just when I was trying to think what he meant by those words, I heard the door behind me opening.

I slowly turned around to see who it was and my eyes widened in shock.


Upon hearing me speak, he gave a reassuring nod and I felt all the tension leave my body. Just his presence by my side was enough for me to make me relieved.

He slowly made his way towards me and stood beside me, facing the man.

"I should have known you would come, Kiyotaka."

Did he just call him by his name? I don't think my ears were playing tricks on me. This man knew Kiyotaka.

"Why did you call her here?"

He was looking dead into the eyes of that man, that struck fear in me, without losing his composure the tiniest bit. It made me realize that my boyfriend really was cool. Wait, this is no time to be admiring him!

But I felt like the look in their eyes was eerily similar. And given that the man used his name, they must have known each other. But it didn't look like they were on good terms. But wait a second, isn't this situation kinda impossible? After all, in this school, we can't contact others from inside the school and people from outside weren't allowed to make contact with the students here. So why was this man in front of me, who is without a doubt an outsider, sitting like he owned the place?

That man gave me a cursory glance and spoke in his heavy tone.

"I just wanted to know just who was the girl who fell in love with my son."

Wait, they are father and son?! Then he is my future father-in-law! Wait! I would have greeted him properly if I had known that earlier! Now, what do I do?! His first impression of me must have been lame!

"What a sick joke."

Wait, did I just pick a hint of sarcasm in Kiyotaka's voice? My brain that was overheating with various thoughts started reassessing the situation. Then I realized that 'that man' had put extra strain when addressing him as his son. Why?  

Ignoring his remark that man turned his eyes on me. But this time I didn't flinch. After all, he was beside me.

"You are just disillusioning yourself here that he is your boyfriend. He is just using you. Nothing more."

I was completely shaken by what he just said. 

"W-What are you-"

"He is a murderer you know. A man was murdered just because of him."

I felt like someone had placed a large boulder over me and its weight was crushing me.

Murderer? Kiyotaka? What the hell is this man talking about? Aren't they supposed to be father and son? But what's with this weird atmosphere around them? It almost feels like both are ready to take the other's life at any moment.

"Kiyotaka, do you want another innocent person to die because of you? Just drop out of this school immediately. That way you can save the life of this little girl here."

The little girl here was definitely me as that man was pointing his index finger at me as he said so. 

A feeling of terror ran down my spine. What he said just now was a threat, wasn't it? And it wasn't an ordinary threat. He just said that he would murder me, didn't he?! My body was shaking like crazy and my legs felt like they could collapse at any time.


 A hand wrapped itself around my waist and immediately the shaking stopped. I saw the profile of my boyfriend facing the man in front of us with unwavering confidence.

"Do you think you can threaten me with that?"

"And do you think I can't do that?"

With his arms still wrapped around me, the two of them glared at each other.

The man finally heaved a sigh and got up from his seat.

"Looks like my words aren't getting through you like always. Well, do your best protecting your plaything."

He slowly started walking and stood beside Kiyotaka. From there he looked at me and said, "I feel sorry for you."

He then walked past us grabbed the doorknob.

"I didn't think you would stoop to using underhanded techniques like this."

"Hah. I don't care about the means I use if it means achieving my goal."

He closed the door and slowly his footsteps faded away.

I heaved a long sigh.

Kiyotaka slowly pulled me closer to him and with a sort of look in his eyes that I had never seen before, he spoke to me.

"Sorry for getting you roped in this. But I promise that I won't let anything happen to you."

I knew that I was in a very very dangerous situation, that involved my life. A dangerous battle had begun with my life on the line. I was really scared but I also knew that this time around I couldn't just rely on Kiyotaka but look for a way to help him. But, let me be honest here. When he said that he would protect me no matter what, I felt so so happy that I wanted to jump at that very moment. I feel like I am falling in love with him all over again! Ah, mou!

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