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"What's wrong Ayanokoji-kun? Why did you call me here?"

Kushida opened the door and greeted me with her amiable superficial smile.

"I wanted to ask for your help." Without beating around the bush, I asked her.

"Help? What for?"

"I want information about Yagami."

"Come again?"

She made a face like she couldn't understand what I was asking her. If anything, her acting skills are worthy of praise. She has a cute face as well. I think she would do well in the modeling business.

"I am telling you to give me some information about Yagami."

When I emphasized that, her smile vanished and appearing in front of me was the real Kushida that I coincidentally happened to come across that day.

"What's your game?"

"I know that you have been colluding with him since the start of this semester to expel me. There is at least something that you know about him. And that is what I am asking you of."

"Heh. As expected of Ayanokoji-kun." She clapped her hands twice. "You knew from the start that I was colluding with my junior from my middle school to expel you."

"But what about that? Even if you know about that, as long as you get expelled it will be all fine." She flashed a disgusting grin that totally ruined her beautiful face.



"I said you are lying."

"About what?"

"The fact that he is a junior from your school."

"No. I am telling you-"

"Yagami and I have known each other for a long time." I cut her short.


She was dumbfounded and her mouth was agape in disbelief.

It was a lie. Although I know that he is from the White Room, the two of us have never met each other so it was a lie that we had known each other for long. To be honest, back when the two of them showed up, although I was suspicious, I wasn't sure. 

Although it was a lie, Kushida had no way of confirming that. The only option available to her would be to ask Yagami directly but he would definitely say that it was true. After all, he did know about me for a long time, being a student from the White Room.

Without waiting for her to recover from her shock, I continued.

"When you said that he was a junior from your school, there was no way I was going to believe it. I knew him personally. So, I knew from the start that you were working with him to expel me."

"My guess here is that he got hold of your true self, you were afraid of your past getting leaked and he has been using that against you. But since your goals aligned you complied easily."

Color drained from her face. She must be wondering how I knew all of this. Both truth and lies were mixed in but considering the state she was in she wasn't able to separate truth from lies. Her recent failure to expel Horikita had her reeled.  Well, even if she had been able to think properly I doubt she would have managed to find out.

She regained herself. Or to say the truth I had allowed her to collect herself and gave her a chance to fight back. After all- 

"So what?" She cachinnated. "As long as I expel the two of you along with Horikita there would be no problem."

-I needed to break her when her will to fight back was at its peak.

"Kushida." I approached her and slowly lifted her chin.

"Kushida. You haven't realized yet that you were just being used by both of us. I knew from the start that you were lying. And Yagami knew that I had already caught the two of you lying. We were just playing along. You were the only one ignorant. You were being used as a pawn from the very beginning. Yagami knew from the start that the moment he shows up with you, I would know instantly. But he tagged along anyway. That must have been because you made a fun plaything for Yagami."


I could feel her body shiver.

"Yagami will drop out on his own even without you doing anything. I don't care what you do with Horikita. But..." I forced her to look into my eyes, " you think you can expel me?"

She clenched her teeth and tried to back away but her feet had already given out. She stumbled and fell on her back from which she looked up at me in fear.

"Kushida. Who should you be more afraid of? Yagami who is bound to drop out or me?" I asked her but there was no response from her. She just kept leaking those little fearful squeaks. Her mind must be running wild trying to process what I was saying and calculating the losses and gains of betraying Yagami and helping me.

"You can plot all you want. I don't care. What I am asking from you right now is some information about Yagami. You will cooperate, right?"

I took a step closer and she backed away on all four without attempting to get up. 

She didn't even care about how she looked right now. Her face looked ugly and her uniform was a mess from crawling on the ground. Her skirt was lifted up and even her panty was showing but she didn't care.

Her appearance looked as ugly as her character. She was already corrupted.

"So, what's your answer? You will cooperate or not?"

She was trying to escape but I held her in place with my gaze. She had nowhere to run now.


Her spirit had been broken, however momentarily. 

If given time, she would surely recover so I had to make sure that I didn't give her a chance to collect herself again. 

And for that, I would need to apply some extreme measures, but if it meant that I could get useful information from her, so be it.

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