A Powerful Ally

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This was the second time that I had been in this situation.

The Principal bowed to the person sitting before him and he went out of the room and closed the door.

As the door closed, the only sound I heard was the heating system's faint whirring.

As I stood completely still and silent, the person before me said her first words.

"How about you take a seat?"

The ring-like voice echoed throughout the room.

The one before me, right now, wasn't 'that man', but a woman of roughly the same age as 'that man'.

But I chose to be cautious.

Because I knew that she was no ordinary person.

First, she was able to get into this school while outside contact was completely prohibited and even the Principal was sweating buckets before her, despite him being the older one.

And the other thing, was the air around her.

She was wearing a business-woman attire. She had semi-long black hair that was upon her shoulders. Her appearance and disposition were obviously standoffish, giving the vibe of a career-woman.

And more importantly the gaze in her eyes.

Her sharp blade-like gaze never even faded once all this time. 

The aura that she emanated resembled 'that man's' but was fundamentally different at the same time.

It seemed to me that their core principle was different but I knew that they both were forces to be reckoned with.

I needed to proceed with caution.

"You are wary of me, aren't you?"

Saying that she heaved a sigh.

She was right on the mark that I was wary of her.

I don't know who she is and I also don't know what she's after. So, obviously, I would be wary.

Just then, I heard the door behind me slowly open and then I saw Chairman Sakayanagi. Much like what had happened before when 'that man' had come in a similar way.

But when he spotted the woman seated in the chair, his eyes widened.

"Mrs. Ayanokoji?"


Mrs. Ayanokoji?

What does he mean by that?

If I think from what Chairman Skayanagi had said just now, wouldn't that mean........?

"It's been a while since I last saw you. I think I will let you two have some lovely mother-son talk alone. Please excuse me."

With that, he excused himself and made his way out of the room.

I turned to face the woman again and thought about what Chairman Sakayanagi had said just now.

Chairman Sakayanagi knew my conditions more better than anyone else. I could even say that he knew about my family conditions more than I did.

So, I think I could believe in his words. He will have nothing to gain from lying about such a thing to me.

"Yes. As Sakayanagi had just said, I am your mother. I know that it would difficult to believe all that at once but I know the circumstances and understand."

Yeah, it was true. Even for me, this was something beyond the scope of what I had expected.

"Now, let me get straight to the point."

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